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想要使用 openpyxl 将 excel 中的两列与唯一列进行比较

[英]want to compare two columns in excel with unique column using openpyxl

I am pretty new to python and been learning for past couple weeks now.我对 python 很陌生,并且在过去的几周里一直在学习。 I want to compare two columns in excel with unique column using openpyxl.我想将 excel 中的两列与使用 openpyxl 的唯一列进行比较。

Excel1: Excel1:

Area_Code    Representative Name
1                 Jim
2                 Pam
3                 Mike
4                 Ryan
5                 Kelly
6                 Andy
7                 Robert
11                Roy

Excel2: Excel2:

Area_Code    Representative_Name
1                 Jim
2                 Pam
3                 Mike
4                 Ryan
5                 Kelly
6                 Andy
7                 Roberto
8                 Oscar
9                 Angela
10                Packer

Area code is unique.区号是唯一的。 I want to be able to list Any typo's in 'Representative_Code'.我希望能够列出“Representative_Code”中的任何错字。 For eg: Area code 7 is Unique, but in excel2, I have a difference in name from Excel1.例如:区号 7 是唯一的,但在 excel2 中,我与 Excel1 的名称不同。 At the same time, I want to list rows that are in excel1 and not in excel2 and vice versa.同时,我想列出 excel1 中而不是 excel2 中的行,反之亦然。

I have written below code, but am not able to achieve my requirements.我写了下面的代码,但无法达到我的要求。 Any help would be greatly appreciated.任何帮助将不胜感激。 Thank You!谢谢你!

import openpyxl as xl

wb1 = xl.load_workbook('Excel1.xlsx')
sheet1 = wb1['Sheet 1']

wb2 = xl.load_workbook('Excel2.xlsx')
sheet2 = wb2['Sheet 1']

for row1 in range(2, sheet1.max_row + 1):
    cell1 = sheet1.cell(row1, 2)
    for row2 in range(2, sheet2.max_row + 1):
        cell2 = sheet2.cell(row2, 2)
        if cell1.value == cell2.value:
            print(f' {cell1.value}, {cell2.value}')

Load ur data to dicts:将您的数据加载到字典:

dict1 = dict()
dict2 = dict()
for row in range(2, sheet1.max_row+1):
    if sheet1['A{}'.format(row)].value:
        dict1[sheet1['A{}'.format(row)].value] = sheet1['B{}'.format(row)].value
for row in range(2, sheet2.max_row+1):
    if sheet2['A{}'.format(row)].value:
        dict2[sheet2['A{}'.format(row)].value] = sheet2['B{}'.format(row)].value

And now u can get what u want from this two dict:现在你可以从这两个字典中得到你想要的:

diff_set_not_in_excel2 = dict1.keys() - dict2.keys()
diff_set_not_in_excel1 = dict2.keys() - dict1.keys()

intersection_set = dict1.keys() & dict2.keys()
for key in intersection_set:
    if dict1[key] != dict2[key]:
        print(dict1[key], dict2[key])

Of course , u also can get Representative_Name value from the keys of differ_set.当然,你也可以从Representative_Name的keys中获取Conceptor_Name的值。

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