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[英]mat-pagination without mat-table

I have been trying to implement mat-pagination to my result list which does not use the mat-table.我一直在尝试对不使用 mat-table 的结果列表实施 mat-pagination。 However, all the examples I found here are using mat-table with pagination.但是,我在这里找到的所有示例都使用带有分页的 mat-table。

Appreciate your help regarding this.感谢您对此的帮助。

I'm currently getting all the data from the resolver on onInit and do not need to fetch data from the backend every time a user interacts with the pagination.我目前正在从 onInit 上的解析器获取所有数据,并且每次用户与分页交互时都不需要从后端获取数据。


<div class="axi-results-wrapper">
      <ng-container *ngFor="let process of Processes; let i = index;">
        <mat-expansion-panel (opened)="setOpened(i)"
                             (closed)="setClosed(i)" hideToggle="true">
          <mat-expansion-panel-header [collapsedHeight]="'66px'" [expandedHeight]="'60px'">
            <div *ngIf="currentlyOpenedItemIndex !== i" class="row axi-results-row">
              <span class="col-md-4 axi-results-row__txt">
                <div class = "axi-result-circle axi-result-circle--bg-color">
                  <i class="far fa-copy"></i>
                <div class="axi-results-row__txt axi-results-row__txt--primary">{{process.name}}</div>
              <span class="col-md-3 axi-results-row__txt axi-results-row__txt--secondary">{{process.repoUrl}}</span>
              <span class="col-md-3 axi-results-row__txt axi-results-row__txt--secondary">{{process.processType}}</span>
              <span class="col-md-2 axi-results-row__txt axi-results-row__icon" *appHasAccess="roleTitle">
                <span (click)="editProcess(process, i); $event.stopPropagation();">
                  <i class="material-icons">edit</i>
                <span (click)="deleteProcess(process.id, i); $event.stopPropagation()">
                  <i class="material-icons">delete_outline</i>
            <div *ngIf="currentlyOpenedItemIndex === i">
              <app-result-header [iconType]="type" [headerName]="process.name" (editData)="editProcess(process, i)" (deleteFunc)="deleteProcess(process.id, i)"></app-result-header>
          <app-process-detail-view [process]="process"></app-process-detail-view>

    <mat-paginator [length]="length"
    [pageSizeOptions]="[5, 10, 25, 100]">


@ViewChild(MatPaginator, {static: true}) paginator: MatPaginator; 

  constructor(private actr: ActivatedRoute) { }

  ngOnInit() {

  getProcessService() {
    // Getting all the data fetched from the active route
    this.actr.data.subscribe((res) => {
      this.Processes = res.process;

A mat-paginator is as others components, has inputs and outputs . mat-paginator 与其他组件一样,具有inputsoutputs You control the inputs using [name of property] and outputs (name of output)="yourFunction($event)"您使用[name of property]和 outputs (name of output)="yourFunction($event)"控制输入

See in the docs文档中查看

So you can use,eg所以你可以使用,例如

<mat-paginator [length]="length"

    //make something
    //possible call to a function in a service to get data from one index to another one

Optionally you can save yourself all this effort by putting the ng-container inside a table, with just one <tr> and one <td> .或者,您可以通过将 ng-container 放在一个表中来节省所有这些努力,只有一个<tr>和一个<td>

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