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使用 appJar GUI 模块化 Python 程序

[英]Modualrize Python program with appJar GUI

How do you modularize an appJar app?如何模块化 appJar 应用程序? When I try to use the example code and move the press() function into an own file, this functions doesn't know the app variable.当我尝试使用示例代码并将press() function 移动到自己的文件中时,此函数不知道 app 变量。 I guess it's best if you look at the Image below - if not I'll update the question!我想最好看看下面的图片 - 如果没有,我会更新问题!


As for me it is not good idea to put press() in separated file.至于我,将press()放在单独的文件中并不是一个好主意。 I would rather keep press() in current file and it could use function from other file - but this file should get all values as arguments我宁愿将press()保留在当前文件中,它可以使用其他文件中的 function - 但该文件应将所有值作为 arguments


def display(app):
    print("User:", app.entry("Username"), "Pass:", app.entry("Password"))


from appJar import gui 
from modules import methods

def press():

with gui("Login Window", "400x200", bg='orange', font={'size':18}) as app:
    app.label("Welcome to appJar", bg='blue', fg='orange')
    app.entry("Username", label=True, focus=True)
    app.entry("Password", label=True, secret=True)
    app.buttons(["Submit", "Cancel"], [press, app.stop])

Or event other function should get only values from widgets或者其他事件 function 应该只从小部件中获取值


def display(username, password):
    print("User:", username, "Pass:", password)


def press():
    methods.display(app.entry("Username"), app.entry("Password"))

If you really want press() in other file then it should get app as argument如果您真的想在其他文件中使用press() ,那么它应该将app作为参数


def press(app):
    print("User:", app.entry("Username"), "Pass:", app.entry("Password"))

but then you have to use lambda:methods.press(app) to assign to button function with argument.但是你必须使用lambda:methods.press(app)分配给按钮 function 和参数。


app.buttons(["Submit", "Cancel"], [lambda:methods.press(app), app.stop])

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