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如何检查 AWS S3 中是否已存在存储桶

[英]How to check if bucket already exists in AWS S3

How can I check if the bucket already exists in my Aws S3 account using Java SDK?如何使用 Java SDK 检查存储桶是否已存在于我的 Aws S3 账户中?

Using below code使用下面的代码


Checks global existence of bucket and returns true if a bucket with this name exists globally even if I am not the owner of this bucket or I don't have access to that bucket.检查存储桶的全局存在,如果具有此名称的存储桶全局存在,则返回 true,即使我不是该存储桶的所有者或者我无权访问该存储桶。

I understand the intent for making this method this way so that It allows us to determine the availability of bucket name but this is not what I need.我理解以这种方式制作此方法的意图,以便它允许我们确定存储桶名称的可用性,但这不是我所需要的。 Of course, it will throw exception that I don't have access to it later, but it returns stating that bucket with this name exists.当然,它会抛出我以后无法访问它的异常,但它会返回说明具有此名称的存储桶存在。

I want to check if the bucket with the given name exists in my S3 account so that I can perform operations on it.我想检查我的 S3 帐户中是否存在具有给定名称的存储桶,以便我可以对其执行操作。

One possible solution for it can be to list all the buckets and search for my bucket in that returned list which I feel is not a good performance-wise (correct me if I am wrong) as there can be hundreds of thousands of buckets and searching in them is not efficient.一种可能的解决方案是list所有存储桶并在返回的列表中搜索我的存储桶,我认为这不是一个好的性能(如果我错了,请纠正我),因为可能有数十万个存储桶和搜索在他们中效率不高。

How can I determine if a bucket exists in my S3 account not checking global existence ?如何确定我的 S3 帐户中是否存在未检查全局存在的存储桶

as mentioned in the comments headBucket does the job.正如评论中提到的headBucket完成了这项工作。

HeadBucketRequest headBucketRequest = HeadBucketRequest.builder()

    try {
        return true;
    } catch (NoSuchBucketException e) {
        return false;

SDK 1.x does not have a HeadBucketRequest builder nor a NoSuchBucketException . SDK 1.x 没有HeadBucketRequest构建器,也没有NoSuchBucketException

In case anyone is looking for the answer using AWS SDK for Java 1.x , this works:如果有人正在使用AWS SDK 为 Java 1.x寻找答案,则此方法有效:

private boolean checkAccessToBucket(final String bucketName) {
    try {
        final HeadBucketRequest request = new HeadBucketRequest(bucketName);
        return true;
    } catch (AmazonServiceException ex) {
        if (ex.getStatusCode() == 404 | ex.getStatusCode() == 403 || ex.getStatusCode() == 301) {
            return false;
        throw ex;
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        LOGGER.error("Cannot check access", ex);
        throw ex;

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