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使用 awk 或 sed 操作 a.csv 文件的第 n 列

[英]Manipulate nth column of a .csv file with awk or sed

I have a.csv file with 6 columns:我有一个包含 6 列的 .csv 文件:

source  raised_time cleared_time    cause   pcause  sproblem
source1 rtime1  ctime1  cause1  communicationsSubsystemFailure#model.route.1.2  oMCIFailure#model.route.1.2
source2 rtime2  ctime2  cause2  equipmentMalfunction#model.route.1.2    deviceNotActive#model.route.1.2

I want to manipulate the 5th and 6th columns of the.csv file with below rules:我想使用以下规则操作 .csv 文件的第 5 列和第 6 列:

  1. Convert the first letters of 5th and 6th columns to upper case将第 5 列和第 6 列的第一个字母转换为大写
  2. Keep the strings upto the character: "#" and remove the trailing part (which are coming after the # char)将字符串保留到字符:“#”并删除尾随部分(在 # 字符之后)
  3. Put a space between the lower case and upper case letters在小写字母和大写字母之间留一个空格

So the wanted format is:所以想要的格式是:

source  raised_time cleared_time    cause   pcause  sproblem
source1 rtime1  ctime1  cause1  Communication Subsystem Failure OMCI Failure
source2 rtime2  ctime2  cause2  Equipment Malfunction   Device Not Active

How can I do that with awk or sed command?如何使用 awk 或 sed 命令来做到这一点?

I tried to start with converting the first letter to upper case with the command:我尝试使用以下命令将第一个字母转换为大写:

awk 'BEGIN {$5 = toupper(substr($5,1,1))
    substr($5, 2)}1' input_file

but it did not work.但它没有用。

You said your input is CSV (Comma-Separated Values) but there's are no commas in it while it does have apparently random spacing between fields so I assume you actually meant TSV (Tab-Separated Values).您说您的输入是 CSV (逗号分隔值),但是其中没有逗号,而字段之间确实有明显的随机间距,所以我假设您实际上是指 TSV(制表符分隔值)。 If so then this should do what you want:如果是这样,那么这应该做你想要的:

$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN { FS=OFS="\t" }
NR > 1 {
    for (i=5; i<=NF; i++) {
        new = ""
        old = $i
        while ( match(old,/[[:upper:]][[:lower:]]+/) ) {
            new = new substr(old,1,RSTART-1) " " substr(old,RSTART,RLENGTH)
            old = substr(old,RSTART+RLENGTH)
        new = new old
        $i = toupper(substr(new,1,1)) substr(new,2)
{ print }

. .

$ awk -f tst.awk file
source  raised_time     cleared_time    cause   pcause  sproblem
source1 rtime1  ctime1  cause1  Communications Subsystem Failure        OMCI Failure
source2 rtime2  ctime2  cause2  Equipment Malfunction   Device Not Active

A GNU sed implementation, assuming input file format is tsv (tab separated values):一个 GNU sed实现,假设输入文件格式是 tsv(制表符分隔值):

sed -E '1! {
s/\B[[:upper:]][[:lower:]]/ &/g
}' file.tsv

If fields are separated by , then just replace the \t with the , .如果字段由 分隔,则只需将\t替换为,
If fields are separated by non-blank to blank transition then put s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; s/\s+/\t/g如果字段由非空白到空白转换分隔,则输入s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; s/\s+/\t/g s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; s/\s+/\t/g s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; s/\s+/\t/g at the beginning of the sed expression. s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; s/\s+/\t/gsed表达式的开头。

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