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当调用另一个模拟 function 时更改模拟 function 的返回值

[英]Change return value of a mock function when another mock function is called

Suppose I have the following mock假设我有以下模拟

enum class State

class MockActuator : public ActuatorInterface
        MOCK_METHOD0(doAction, void());
        MOCK_METHOD0(getState, State());

The module I am testing makes the assumption that if doAction() is called, getState() should return BUSY .我正在测试的模块假设如果调用doAction()getState()应该返回BUSY

How do I encode this assumption under GMock?我如何在 GMock 下对这个假设进行编码? I would like to keep getState() as a mocked function as there are other return values that I need to test.我想将getState()保留为模拟的 function,因为我需要测试其他返回值。

My first attempt is the following:我的第一次尝试如下:

    EXPECT_CALL(actuator, doAction()).Times(1).WillOnce(InvokeWithoutArgs(
                    ON_CALL(actuator, getState()).WillByDefault(Return(State::BUSY));

But that gives the following cryptic error:但这给出了以下神秘错误:

/usr/src/googletest/googlemock/include/gmock/gmock-actions.h:861:64: error: void value not ignored as it ought to be
   Result Perform(const ArgumentTuple&) { return function_impl_(); }

You can see an example of how to do this in the docs .您可以在文档中查看如何执行此操作的示例。

Following your classes.跟着你的课。

First a fake class that mimics the original:首先是模仿原件的假 class:

enum class State

class FakeActuator : public ActuatorInterface
        virtual void doAction () { _state = BUSY; }
        virtual State getState () { return _state; }
        State _state;

After that, the mock class:之后,模拟 class:

class MockActuator : public ActuatorInterface {
  // Normal mock method definitions using gMock.
  MOCK_METHOD(void, doAction, (), (override));
  MOCK_METHOD(State, getState, (), (override));

  // Delegates the default actions of the methods to a FakeActuator object.
  // This must be called *before* the custom ON_CALL() statements.
  void DelegateToFake() {
    ON_CALL(*this, doAction).WillByDefault([this]() {
    ON_CALL(*this, getState).WillByDefault([this]() {
      return fake_.getState();

  FakeActuator fake_;  // Keeps an instance of the fake in the mock.

It is this "fake" object that can keep state between calls.就是这个“假的”object可以在通话之间保留state。 You can create as many "fake" classes as situations you need also.您还可以根据需要创建尽可能多的“假”类。

And the test:和测试:

TEST(AbcTest, Xyz) {
  MockFoo foo;

  foo.DelegateToFake();  // Enables the fake for delegation.

  // Put your ON_CALL(foo, ...)s here, if any.

  // No action specified, meaning to use the default action.
  EXPECT_CALL(foo, doAction());
  EXPECT_CALL(foo, getState());

  foo.doAction();  // FakeActuator::doAction() is invoked.

  EXPECT_EQ(BUSY, foo.getState());  // FakeActuator::getState() is invoked.

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