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VSC 在编辑器中对齐 markdown 列表

[英]VSC align markdown lists in Editor

I'm new to Visual Code Studio, and mainly use it for writing in markdown.我是 Visual Code Studio 的新手,主要用它来编写 markdown。

When making lists in Editor, is it possible that they align when words wrap.在编辑器中制作列表时,它们是否可以在换行时对齐。 Currently, the words on the next line of a list don't left align.目前,列表下一行的单词没有左对齐。 For example:例如:


Ideally, the new line words ( particular , if , full ) align with the word 'Civility' (as you would see in a preview view).理想情况下,新行单词( particular iffull )与单词“Civility”对齐(正如您在预览视图中看到的那样)。

Is this possible?这可能吗?

I don't think indent is context aware in vscode.我不认为缩进在 vscode 中是上下文感知的。

The best thing you can do is to use indent size equal 2 and a changing wrappingIndent :您可以做的最好的事情是使用缩进大小等于2和不断变化的wrappingIndent

"[markdown]": {
  "editor.wordWrap": "on",
  "editor.wrappingIndent": "indent",
  "editor.tabSize": 2

But it would also work for all indents (not just in lists).但它也适用于所有缩进(不仅仅是在列表中)。

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