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[英]JS, how to format a string with no delimiters into a date

So I have a date that I get from an external custom api, that comes in as plain string format with no delimiters.所以我有一个从外部自定义 api 获得的日期,它以纯字符串格式出现,没有分隔符。

How would I format it into a date.我将如何将其格式化为日期。

String -> Date字符串 -> 日期

20090506 -> 2009-05-06 20090506 -> 2009-05-06

I have browsed around stack overflow for a solution but it seems like all the answers revolve around a string with delimiters in between.我已经浏览了堆栈溢出的解决方案,但似乎所有答案都围绕着一个中间有分隔符的字符串。

Basic regular expression with replace.带替换的基本正则表达式

 function alterFormat(ds) { return ds.toString().replace(/(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/, '$1-$2-$3'); } console.log(alterFormat(20200220)); console.log(alterFormat(20190220)); console.log(alterFormat(20201012));

You can use substring() to extract the year, month, and day, then you can use new Date() to convert it into a Date object.您可以使用substring()提取年月日,然后可以使用new Date()将其转换为日期 object。

 var date = "20090506"; var formattedDate = `${date.substring(0, 4)}-${date.substring(4, 6)}-${date.substring(6, 8)}`; console.log(formattedDate); console.log(new Date(formattedDate));

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