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ReactJS ES6 箭头 Function

[英]ReactJS ES6 Arrow Function

    import React, { useState } from 'react';
    function Example() {
      // Declare a new state variable, which we'll call "count"
      const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
      return (
          <p>You clicked {count} times</p>
          <button onClick={**() => setCount(count + 1)**}>
            Click me

Can someone explain to me the bolded block of code or convert it into ES5.有人可以向我解释加粗的代码块或将其转换为 ES5。 I think I understand the arrow function but guess not.我想我理解箭头 function 但猜不透。 What I know about arrow function is... You use it like this,我对箭头 function 的了解是......你这样使用它,

const timesTwo = (a) => { return a*2 } or
const timesTwo = a => a*2 or
const timesTwo = a =>( a*2)

I don't understand this piece of code () => setCount(count + 1) I understand that count is going to increase as soon as user clicks but is it same as writing我不明白这段代码() => setCount(count + 1)我知道一旦用户点击,count 就会增加,但它和写作一样吗

function setCount(){
 count: count +1;

Thank You, I appreciate your time.谢谢你,我很感激你的时间。

The function you have in the onClick event is equivalent to:您在 onClick 事件中拥有的 function 相当于:

function() {
  return setCount(count + 1);

But you don't need to return the setCount value, so it's better to change it to但是你不需要返回setCount值,所以最好改成

()=> { setCount(count + 1); }

Or just:要不就:

function() {
  setCount(count + 1);

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