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如何在 JavaScript 的 Hash 表上实现这个“计数器”?

[英]How do I implement this “counter” on a Hash Table in JavaScript?

I'm creating this Hash Table in JavaScript and I want it warn me each time I'm adding existing values in the array.我正在 JavaScript 中创建这个 Hash 表,我希望每次在数组中添加现有值时它都会警告我。 I tried my own implementation, but it isn't working.我尝试了自己的实现,但它不起作用。

function hashFunction(s,tableSize){
    let hash = 17;

    for(let i = 0; i<s.length; i++){
        hash = (13*hash * s.charCodeAt(i)) % tableSize;

    return hash; 

class HashTable {

    table = new Array(2000);
    numItems  = 0;
    loadFactor = this.numItems/this.table.length;

    setItem = (key,value)=>{
        const idx = hashFunction(key, this.table.length);
            return "already exists"
        }else this.numItems++
        }else this.table[idx]=[[key,value]];


    getItem = (key)=>{
        const idx = hashFunction(key,this.table.length);
            return "Key doesn't exist";
         return this.table[idx].find(x=>x[0]===key)[1];

let myHash = new HashTable


It would be beneficial to review implementing pseudo code and existing implementations.回顾实现伪代码和现有实现将是有益的。 There were numerous errors which can summarized as the original implementation failing to correctly handle pairs within a bucket.有许多错误可以概括为原始实现未能正确处理存储桶中的对。

Here is a working update which salvages some of the structure while discarding most of the inconsistent and/or incorrect implementation - I've left comments as reference points to understand why the original was incorrect.这是一个工作更新,它挽救了一些结构,同时丢弃了大部分不一致和/或不正确的实现——我留下了评论作为参考点,以了解为什么原件不正确。 The code has been structured to illustrate access/creation of buckets, access/creation of pairs within the buckets, and behavior selection depending on the case.代码的结构是为了说明存储桶的访问/创建、存储桶内对的访问/创建以及根据情况选择的行为。


function hashFunction(s, tableSize){
    let hash = 17;

    for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++){
        hash = (13 * hash + s.charCodeAt(i)) % tableSize;
        //                ^-- Ry suggests the original * is a typo.

    return hash; 

class HashTable {

  // I've eliminated 'load factor' to cover a basic implementation.
  // See rebalancing, good table size selection, alternative collision
  // resolution strategies, etc.
  // This implementation might pass a CS101 course.

  // This ensures that there are multiple items per bucket
  // which guarantees the collision resolution paths are invoked.
  // This is a terrible choice in practice.
  table = new Array(2);
  numItems = 0;

  setItem = (key, value)=>{
    const idx = hashFunction(key, this.table.length);
    // set/get should ONLY access simple properties or
    // a BUCKET from the hash code as top-level structures.
    // (Using table.includes(..) here is fundamentally INCORRECT.)
    let bucket = this.table[idx];
    if (bucket) {
      // Existing bucket. Search in HERE to see if the key exists.
      // This should generally be the same code as the "get".
      let pair = bucket.find(x => x[0] === key);
      if (pair) {
        // Same pair, update value.
        pair[1] = value;
        return false; // "existing"
      } else {
        // Add new pair to bucket.
        bucket.push([key, value]);
        this.numItems += 1;
        return true; // "new"
    } else {
      // Create a new bucket and item pair.
      this.table[idx] = [[key, value]];
      this.numItems += 1;
      return true; // "new"

  getItem = (key) =>{
    const idx = hashFunction(key, this.table.length);
    // Code should match close to 'set'
    let bucket = this.table[idx];
    if (bucket) {
      let pair = bucket.find(x => x[0] === key);
      if (pair) {
        // Bucket exists and key exists within bucket.
        return pair[1];

    // The result should be the same if the key doesn't exist because
    // bucket is not found, or if the bucket is found and the
    // key does not exist within the bucket..
    return undefined;

let myHash = new HashTable

var items = [
  ["first", "daniel"],
  ["last", "esposito"],
  ["age", 21],
  ["height", 1.9]

// Insert multiple values:
// Check to see inserted report true/not,
// and that the numItems is increased appropriately.
for (let run of [1, 2]) {
  for (let i of items) {
   let [k, v] = i;
   var inserted = myHash.setItem(k, v);
   var found = myHash.getItem(k) === v;
   console.log(`run=${run} key=${k} value=${v} inserted=${inserted} numItems=${myHash.numItems} found=${found}` )

Output: Output:

run=1 key=first value=daniel inserted=true numItems=1 found=true
run=1 key=last value=esposito inserted=true numItems=2 found=true
run=1 key=age value=21 inserted=true numItems=3 found=true
run=1 key=height value=1.9 inserted=true numItems=4 found=true
run=2 key=first value=daniel inserted=false numItems=4 found=true
run=2 key=last value=esposito inserted=false numItems=4 found=true
run=2 key=age value=21 inserted=false numItems=4 found=true
run=2 key=height value=1.9 inserted=false numItems=4 found=true

hash += (13*hash * s.charCodeAt(i)) % tableSize;

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