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[英]How can I find where a user has clicked on a Polyline?

If I add a Polyline to my map with a click function:如果我通过单击 function 将折线添加到我的 map:

    onPolylineClick = (props, polyline) => {


Then how do I figure out where on the line it was clicked?那么我如何确定它被点击的位置呢? I can see props.mapCenter but that doesn't change depending on where I click, it's just the centre of the map.我可以看到props.mapCenter但这不会根据我单击的位置而改变,它只是 map 的中心。

You need to also pass a third parameter in your onPolylineClick since the latLng for the point you clicked in the polyline is there.您还需要在 onPolylineClick 中传递第三个参数,因为您在折线中单击的点的 latLng 就在那里。 You can do something like:您可以执行以下操作:

onPolylineClick = (props, polyline, e) => {
   console.log("Polyline Clicked on latlng: ")

You can check this sample code .您可以查看此示例代码 Make sure to add your API Key in the GoogleApiWrapper for the code to properly run.确保在 GoogleApiWrapper 中添加您的 API 密钥,以使代码正确运行。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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