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Maven JavaDoc Plugin 输出不正确的参数 alignment

[英]Maven JavaDoc Plugin outputs incorrect parameter alignment

We're using the Maven JavaDoc Plugin to generate javadocs for our projects.我们正在使用 Maven JavaDoc 插件为我们的项目生成 javadocs。


When generating the JavaDoc for some methods, the alignment is completely off.在为某些方法生成 JavaDoc 时,alignment 完全关闭。 For example this例如这个

@GetMapping(value = "/api/manyToOnes/{tablePlural}/{id}", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public Map<String, String> getManyToOnes(@PathVariable String tablePlural, @PathVariable Integer id)

produces this (spaces preserved, please don't edit them out):产生这个(保留空间,请不要编辑它们):

public Map<String,String> getManyToOnes(@PathVariable
                                                                                                                                         String tablePlural,
                                                                                                                                         Integer id)

As you can see, it's just really annoying to read and I would prefer if it lined up, or at least if there wasn't a huge gap in the middle.正如你所看到的,阅读起来真的很烦人,我更喜欢它排成一行,或者至少如果中间没有很大的差距。

I can't work out exactly what it's struggling with, but it seems to be related to the annotations.我无法弄清楚它到底在挣扎什么,但它似乎与注释有关。 Other methods which do not use annotations are fine.其他不使用注释的方法很好。

I checked the config to see if there was anything related to alignment but I didn't see anything.我检查了配置以查看是否有任何与 alignment 相关的内容,但我没有看到任何内容。

I am already using the latest version, would downgrading to a previous version help?我已经在使用最新版本,降级到以前的版本有帮助吗? I'm reluctant to manually iterate through them, especially when there's no guarantee it ever worked.我不愿意手动遍历它们,尤其是当不能保证它曾经有效时。

I checked the issue tracker , there doesn't seem to be anything matching what I'm seeing.我检查了问题跟踪器,似乎没有任何与我所看到的相匹配的东西。 If no one can help here then I'll raise a bug there.如果没有人可以在这里提供帮助,那么我会在那里提出一个错误。 I don't recall seeing this in any other project's JavaDocs, so I'm inclined to think it's my problem rather than theirs.我不记得在任何其他项目的 JavaDocs 中看到过这一点,所以我倾向于认为这是我的问题,而不是他们的问题。

Upon investigating this, I learned that it is not the plugin which generates the HTML at all, but rather it delegates this to a tool provided by the JDK, jdk/bin/javadoc.exe经过调查,我了解到它根本不是生成 HTML 的插件,而是将其委托给 JDK 提供的工具jdk/bin/javadoc.exe

After learning this, I tried building with JDK 9 rather than 8 and the output was much better.在了解了这一点后,我尝试使用 JDK 9 而不是 8 进行构建,并且 output 更好。

public Map<String,String> getManyToOnes​(@PathVariable
                                        String tablePlural,
                                        Integer id)

I looked at Oracle's bug tracker for fixVersion = 9 which led me to the bug: JDK-8062647我查看了Oracle 的 bug tracker for fixVersion = 9这导致了我的 bug: JDK-8062647

FWIW I learned that the output is different from both of these in Java 12, so it seems it's going through changes quite often. FWIW 我了解到 output 与 Java 12 中的这两个不同,所以它似乎经常经历变化。

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