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为什么我从 datasnap ISAPI dll 中的 TBitmap.LoadFromStream 方法得到访问冲突错误?

[英]Why I get access violation error from TBitmap.LoadFromStream method in datasnap ISAPI dll?

I've developed a datasnap rest server application in RAD Studio 10.3.2.我在 RAD Studio 10.3.2 中开发了一个 datasnap rest 服务器应用程序。 In one of my server methods I receive an image from the client app.在我的一种服务器方法中,我从客户端应用程序接收图像。 The image data is a base64 encoded string as a json value.图像数据是 base64 编码字符串作为 json 值。 My method is something like this:我的方法是这样的:

function TServerMethods1.getImage(JSONobj: TJSONObject): Boolean;
  OutputStream : TMemoryStream;
  InputStream  : TStringStream;
  theImage     : TBitmap;
  var imageStr    :  string := JSONobj.GetValue('Image').Value;
  InputStream     := TStringStream.Create(imageStr);
  OutputStream    := TMemoryStream.Create;
  theImage        := TBitmap.Create;
    InputStream.Position  := 0;
    TNetEncoding.Base64.Decode(InputStream, OutputStream);
    OutputStream.Position := 0;
    theImage.LoadFromStream(OutputStream);  // in this line I get an access violation error!

When I build the project as a standalone firemonkey app (.exe file) everything works fine but when I build an ISAPI dll and deploy it in IIS I got an access violation error in the line that I added a comment to it.当我将项目构建为独立的 firemonkey 应用程序(.exe 文件)时,一切正常,但是当我构建 ISAPI dll 并将其部署在 IIS 中时,我在添加注释的行中遇到访问冲突错误。 What's wrong?怎么了? I'm really confused!我真的很困惑!


  1. I saved both InputStream and OutputStream somewhere so that I get sure that I receive the stream and decode it properly and both streams are just fine.我将InputStreamOutputStream都保存在某处,以便确保收到 stream 并正确解码,两个流都很好。

  2. The variable theImage: TBitmap;变量theImage: TBitmap; is an object of FMX.Graphics.TBitmap class, because my stand-alone GUI is a firemonkey application.是 FMX.Graphics.TBitmap FMX.Graphics.TBitmap的 object,因为我的独立 GUI 是 firemonkey 应用程序。

It seems that the TBitmap class of fmx has problems with ISAPI dll. fmx 的TBitmap class 似乎与 ISAPI dll 有问题。 So Instead of using FMX.Graphics I utilized TJPEGImage class of vcl.因此,我没有使用FMX.Graphics ,而是使用TJPEGImage的 TJPEGImage class。 In order to achieve that I added Vcl.Imaging.jpeg to uses section of ServerMethodsUnit.为了实现这一点,我将Vcl.Imaging.jpeg添加到 ServerMethodsUnit 的uses部分。 Then I changed my previous function to this:然后我将之前的 function 更改为:

function TServerMethods1.getImage(JSONobj: TJSONObject): Boolean;
  OutputStream : TMemoryStream;
  InputStream  : TStringStream;
  theImage     : TJPEGImage;   // using TJPEGImage instead of FMX.Graphics.TBitmap
  var imageStr    :  string := JSONobj.GetValue('Image').Value;
  InputStream     := TStringStream.Create(imageStr);
  OutputStream    := TMemoryStream.Create;
  theImage        := TJPEGImage.Create;
    InputStream.Position  := 0;
    TNetEncoding.Base64.Decode(InputStream, OutputStream);
    OutputStream.Position := 0;
    theImage.LoadFromStream(OutputStream);  // Now this line works fine!

Now I can load the received image from memorystream and save it as a jpeg image file.现在我可以从内存流中加载接收到的图像并将其保存为 jpeg 图像文件。

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