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StateHasChanged 用于特定组件,而不是重新渲染页面中的所有组件

[英]StateHasChanged for specific component instead rerender all components in a page

I am using multiple components is my application each are rendered in conditional manner.我正在使用多个组件是我的应用程序每个都以有条件的方式呈现。 Is there any possibilities to re-render a specific component alone?是否有可能单独重新渲染特定组件?

MyRazor.razor file, MyRazor.razor文件,

 <button @onclick="Chnage">Second</button>
    @if (renderOne)
        var data1 = Count++;
    @if (renderTwo)
        var data2 = Count2++;
        <ComponentSecond class="btn-danger">@data2</ComponentSecond>
@code { 
    void Chnage()
        renderOne = true;

ComponentFirst and ComponentSecond are rendered by checking by respective booleans. ComponentFirst 和 ComponentSecond 通过各自的布尔值检查来呈现。 In the button click, I have enable CompoenentFirst alone.在按钮单击中,我单独启用了 CompoenentFirst。 But the ComponentSecond also rendered again.但是 ComponentSecond 也再次渲染。 My aim is If I enable renderOne ComponentFirst alone should be rendered again.我的目标是如果我单独启用 renderOne ComponentFirst 应该再次渲染。 If I disable renderTwo ComponentTwo alone should rendered again instead of rendering both components for a single change in the application.如果我禁用 renderTwo ComponentTwo 应该再次渲染,而不是渲染两个组件以在应用程序中进行一次更改。

You probably shouldn't be worried about a component rendering lots of times.您可能不应该担心组件渲染很多次。 Rendering only builds a rendertree, it doesn't update the browser's DOM.渲染只构建一个渲染树,它不会更新浏览器的 DOM。 Only once the whole page's render tree is built will Blazor compare it against the last render tree and then update the DOM from the diff.只有在构建了整个页面的渲染树后,Blazor 才会将其与最后一个渲染树进行比较,然后从差异中更新 DOM。

Having said that:话说回来:

If the parent passes any information to the child component via a [Parameter] property (including a RenderFragment ) then whenever the parent component re-renders the child component will also re-render just in case anything has altered.如果父组件通过[Parameter]属性(包括RenderFragment )将任何信息传递给子组件,那么每当父组件重新渲染时,子组件也将重新渲染,以防万一发生任何变化。

If you want components to re-render independently of their parents then you should not pass any state down to them.如果您希望组件独立于其父组件重新渲染,那么您不应将任何 state 传递给它们。 You can achieve this by storing state outside of the components.您可以通过将 state 存储在组件外部来实现此目的。 For example例如

public class MyState
  public int Count1 { get; set; }
  public int Count2 { get; set; }

  public event EventHandler<EventArgs> Changed;
  public void NotifyChanged() => Changed?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);

If you register that as an injectable dependency then you can consume it directly in the child component如果您将其注册为可注入依赖项,则可以直接在子组件中使用它

@inject MyState State
@implements IDisposable

  The value is @State.Count1

  protected override void OnInitialized()
    State.Changed += DoUpdate;

  void IDisposable.Dispose()
    State.Changed -= DoUpdate; // Important1

  private void DoUpdate(object sender, EventArgs e)

Any component can update the state by injecting MyState and then doing任何组件都可以通过注入MyState然后执行更新 state


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