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[英]Please tell me why this expression doesn't work

React code:反应代码:

const [state, setState] = useState({login:'', password: ''});

const changeHandler  = (e) =>{
    setState({[e.target.name]: e.target.value});

    <div className='login-wrapper'>
        <form onSubmit={(e) => submitHandler(e)}>

            <Input color='primary'
                   style={{margin:'20px', width:'300px'}}
                   onChange={(e) => changeHandler(e)}/>


A component is changing a controlled input of type password to be uncontrolled.一个组件正在将密码类型的受控输入更改为不受控。 Input elements should not switch from controlled to uncontrolled (or vice versa).输入元素不应从受控切换到不受控(反之亦然)。 Decide between using a controlled or uncontrolled input element for the lifetime of the component.决定在组件的生命周期内使用受控输入元素还是不受控输入元素。

e.target.name is probably coming through as undefined, so value={state.login} as a prop returns undefined , which switches the component to non-controlled. e.target.name可能是未定义的,因此value={state.login}作为道具返回undefined ,这会将组件切换到非受控状态。

Fix with this:修复这个:

const loginChangeHandler = (e) => setState({...state, login: e.target.value});

From the docs on useState :来自useState的文档:

Unlike this.setState in a class, updating a state variable always replaces it instead of merging it.与 class 中的 this.setState 不同,更新 state 变量总是替换它而不是合并它。

If you use an object as the value of a useState hook, an update to it must replace all values.如果您使用 object 作为useState挂钩的值,则对其的更新必须替换所有值。

What is happening is you are updating login , but not replacing password .发生的事情是您正在更新login ,但没有替换password So the password input is presumably the one throwing the warning.所以密码输入大概是引发警告的那个。 The password was set to a string, then it becomes undefined .密码设置为字符串,然后变为undefined

The solution is simple, spread the previous state values into the new object before updating it:解决方案很简单,在更新之前将之前的 state 值传播到新的 object 中:

setState({...state, [e.target.name]: e.target.value});

The most optimal change handler would also take advantage of the functional form of the updater and look something like this:最优化的更改处理程序也将利用更新程序的功能形式,看起来像这样:

// Destructure the event for cleaner syntax and avoiding the pitfall of pooled events
const changeHandler  = ({ target: {name, value} }) => {
  // Use a functional update to ensure we always have the most recent copy of state
  setState(prev => ({ ...prev, [name]: value }));

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