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[英]Cannot assign value of type 'Color' to type 'UIColor'

When I set textField.textColor = Color.primary inside UITextViewWrapper class give this error.当我在UITextViewWrapper class 中设置textField.textColor = Color.primary时,会出现此错误。

How can I use primary color inside UITextViewWrapper?如何在 UITextViewWrapper 中使用原色? Is there any way to use it?有什么方法可以使用它吗?

fileprivate struct UITextViewWrapper: UIViewRepresentable {
    typealias UIViewType = UITextView

    func makeUIView(context: UIViewRepresentableContext<UITextViewWrapper>) -> UITextView {
        let textField = UITextView()
        textField.textColor = Color.primary // here give error
        return textField

On iOS 14+ you can use the new UIColor initializer.在 iOS 14+ 上,您可以使用新的UIColor初始化程序。

textField.textColor = UIColor(Color.primary)

For lower versions, you can use:对于较低版本,您可以使用:

textField.textColor = UIColor.label // gives the same result
  1. Extension UIColor:扩展 UIColor:

     extension UIColor { class var primary: UIColor { return UIColor(named: "YourColorName")! } }
  2. Usage:用法:

     textField.textColor =.primary

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