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为什么我 SubGit 可以获取 SVN 存储库但不提交?

[英]Why can I SubGit can fetch SVN repo but not commit to it?

I have used subgit to create a mirror of my Windows based SVN repo on a Linux server.我已经使用 subgit 在 Linux 服务器上创建了基于 SVN 存储库的 Windows 的镜像。 The install has completed and I have cloned my git repo which seems to have all of the required code.安装已经完成,我已经克隆了我的 git 存储库,它似乎包含所有必需的代码。

It does not seem to automatically pick up the svn commits and when I try to push to my git repo I get the error它似乎不会自动获取 svn 提交,当我尝试推送到我的 git 存储库时出现错误

svn: E170001: Negotiate authentication failed: 'No valid credentials provided' svn:E170001:协商身份验证失败:“未提供有效凭据”

The config file contains the same user name and password as was used to create the repo in the first place and the code updates every time I rerun "subgit install repoName" so the credentials seem to be valid.配置文件包含与最初用于创建 repo 相同的用户名和密码,并且每次我重新运行“subgit install repoName”时代码都会更新,因此凭据似乎是有效的。

Has anyone got any ideas how to resolve this?有没有人知道如何解决这个问题?

It doesn't look to be a common issue and thus require a deeper investigation to find out what's wrong there.它看起来不是一个常见问题,因此需要进行更深入的调查才能找出问题所在。 I assume that may be caused by a recently found issue in SubGit hooks;我认为这可能是由最近在 SubGit 挂钩中发现的问题引起的; to workaround this issue add the following setting to the [daemon] section in the SubGit configuration file:要解决此问题,请将以下设置添加到 SubGit 配置文件的 [daemon] 部分:

    javaOptions = -noverify -client -Djava.awt.headless=true -Djna.nosys=true -Dsvnkit.http.methods=Digest,Basic,NTLM,Negotiate

This should urge SubGit to use correct authentication.这应该促使 SubGit 使用正确的身份验证。

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