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R,循环通过 dataframe,创建一个具有附加内容的新

[英]R , Looping through a dataframe , creating a new one with additional content

Caution, quite new to R - but I really would like to do this in R instead of java.小心,对 R 来说很新——但我真的很想在 R 而不是 java 中执行此操作。

My csv-file (Swedish redlist for species 2020 ) looks like this:我的 csv 文件(2020 年物种的瑞典红名单)如下所示:

249012,,Abia candens,stekel,Art,3,"Jordbrukslandskap (J) - Stor betydelse, Skog (S) - Har betydelse",DD,
249014,,Abia lonicerae,stekel,Art,2,Skog (S) - Stor betydelse,DD,
261452,,Abia nitens,stekel,Art,0,Jordbrukslandskap (J) - Stor betydelse,DD,
  • The whole csv-file can be download from SLU by pressing the button 'skapa csv-fil'.通过按下按钮“skapa csv-fil”,可以从SLU下载整个 csv 文件。

The interesting columns for me is only the 'id' and the 'status_abbrev' columns.对我来说有趣的列只有“id”和“status_abbrev”列。 I would like to use those columns to update my db-table, doing something like this:我想使用这些列来更新我的数据库表,做这样的事情:

sql<- paste("update redlist SET status_abbrev='",abbrev,"' ","where id=",id,sep="")

reading the csv-file with this command:使用以下命令读取 csv 文件:

redlist <- read.csv("rodlistade_arter_tampered_2.csv",header=TRUE);
dat <- select(redlist,'id', 'status_abbrev')

the output from the 3 first lines would be:前 3 行中的 output 将是:

  1. redlist is a dataframe, contains the csv with header. redlist是 dataframe,包含 csv 和 header。
  2. dat is a dataframe, contains a subset of redlist (id and status_abbrev). dat是 dataframe,包含 redlist 的子集(id 和 status_abbrev)。

But which library would be best to iterate through the 'dat' data-frame to be able to create something like this?但是哪个库最适合遍历“dat”数据框以创建类似的东西? iterating and picking out abbrev and id and creating the below string for each row - (in the end I would like to write these strings to an sql-batch file and update the roughy 5660-records)迭代并挑选 abbrev 和 id 并为每一行创建以下字符串- (最后我想将这些字符串写入 sql-batch 文件并更新粗糙的 5660 记录)

sql<- paste("update redlist SET status_abbrev='",abbrev,"' ","where id=",id,sep="")

so that my resulting string would be like this (then iterating through the whole file):这样我的结果字符串就会是这样的(然后遍历整个文件):

update redlist SET status_abbrev=DD where id=249012

screenshot of redlist and dat - redlist 和 dat 的屏幕截图-


Using dplyr::mutate() and glue::glue() you can create the strings like this使用dplyr::mutate()glue::glue()你可以创建这样的字符串

#> Attaching package: 'glue'
#> The following object is masked from 'package:dplyr':
#>     collapse

str <- 'id,svenskt,latin,Organismgrupp,Kategori,Observationer,Landskapstyp,status_abbrev,Rodlistekriterium
249012,,Abia candens,stekel,Art,3,"Jordbrukslandskap (J) - Stor betydelse, Skog (S) - Har betydelse",DD,
249014,,Abia lonicerae,stekel,Art,2,Skog (S) - Stor betydelse,DD,
261452,,Abia nitens,stekel,Art,0,Jordbrukslandskap (J) - Stor betydelse,DD,'

df <- read_csv(str)

df2 <- df %>% 
  mutate(sql_string = glue("update redlist SET status_abbrev='{status_abbrev}' where id={id}"))

#> # A tibble: 3 x 10
#>       id svenskt latin Organismgrupp Kategori Observationer Landskapstyp
#>    <dbl> <lgl>   <chr> <chr>         <chr>            <dbl> <chr>       
#> 1 249012 NA      Abia… stekel        Art                  3 Jordbruksla…
#> 2 249014 NA      Abia… stekel        Art                  2 Skog (S) - …
#> 3 261452 NA      Abia… stekel        Art                  0 Jordbruksla…
#> # … with 3 more variables: status_abbrev <chr>, Rodlistekriterium <lgl>,
#> #   sql_string <glue>

df2 %>% pull(sql_string)
#> update redlist SET status_abbrev='DD' where id=249012
#> update redlist SET status_abbrev='DD' where id=249014
#> update redlist SET status_abbrev='DD' where id=261452

Created on 2020-07-27 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)代表 package (v0.3.0) 于 2020 年 7 月 27 日创建

Is this what you are looking for?这是你想要的?

For database integration, have a look at DBI .对于数据库集成,请查看DBI

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