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为什么 React Native 中的 HMS Ads Kit 在构建过程中显示 package list missing 错误?

[英]Why HMS Ads Kit in React Native displays package list missing error during build process?

While working with HMS Ads Kit in React Native, project gives package list missing error during build process of the Android folder in the Android Studio.在 React Native 中使用 HMS Ads Kit 时,项目在 Android Studio 中的 Android 文件夹的构建过程中给出了 package list missing 错误。 How can resolve the issue?如何解决问题?

With the new React Native build and update HMS ads sdk, it is recommended to use the minimum targeted api as 19. Also make sure that you import the HMS package to the"MainApplication.java" file even if you are using "AutoLinking".使用新的 React Native 构建和更新 HMS 广告 sdk,建议使用最小目标 api 为 19。另外确保您使用“AutoLinkingjava”文件导入 HMS ZEFE90A8E604A7C840E88D03A67F6B7D8。


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