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[英]Joining two tables with many to many relationship fields

I'm working on google data studio and trying to fetch the data from a third-party system.我正在研究谷歌数据工作室并试图从第三方系统中获取数据。 In that case, there is a problem in the third-party system, because it doesn't allow for SQL join.在这种情况下,第三方系统存在问题,因为它不允许 SQL 加入。 Therefore, I got the data by using 2 URLs separately and joined the two tables(customer_order table & Customer_Order_Demand table).因此,我分别使用 2 个 URL 获取数据并将两个表(customer_order 表和 Customer_Order_Demand 表)连接起来。 But the problem is there is a field(Order_NO) that has many to many relationships in one table.但问题是有一个字段(Order_NO)在一个表中有多对多的关系。 According to my code, I'm getting only first value in Order_No column after joining the two tables.根据我的代码,在加入两个表后,我只在 Order_No 列中获得第一个值。 I want to display the number of orders for each Item by corresponding date.我想按相应日期显示每个项目的订单数量。

  Customer Order Demand Table                                        
| id  | item     |    Date    |         
|  1  |  BLU     | 7/10/2020  |  
|  2  |  PM      | 7/20/2020  |   
|  3  |  BLU     | 7/23/2020  |          

    Customer Order Table                                        
| id  |  COD_id         |  Order_NO      |   Date         |
|  1  |      1          |  #100          |    7/10/2020   |
|  2  |      1          |  #130          |    7/10/2020   |
|  3  |      2          |  #200          |    7/20/2020   |
|  4  |      3          |  #500          |    7/23/2020   | 

                   Expected  Table                                        
|     |  Item    |    Date    |  Order_NO       |
|  1  |  BLU     | 7/10/2020  |  #100 /#130     |
|  2  |  PM      | 7/20/2020  |  #200           |
|  3  |  BLU     | 7/23/2020  |  #500           |        

 var url=[
    'http://test.smartapps.lk/rest/api/selectQuery?sessionId=' + SessionId + '&maxRows=10&query=select id, Item, Date from Customer_Order_demand &output=json'
  var url2=[
    'http://test.smartapps.lk/rest/api/selectQuery?sessionId=' + SessionId + '&maxRows=10&query=select id,Order_NO from Customer_Order &output=json'
  var responseID2 = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url);
  var responseID3 = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url2);
  var table1 = JSON.parse(responseID2.getContentText());     
  var table2 = JSON.parse(responseID3.getContentText());
  var finalArray = [];
  for(var i in table1){
      for(var j in table2){

        //Joining two tables 

            // converting to json object
             var newObj = {      
             "Item": table1[i][1],
             "Order_NO": table2[j][1] 
   return finalArray;

  • Reduce the second table to a map :将第二个表减少map

     const table2map = table2.reduce( (mp,[codId,ordNo]) => mp.set(codId, mp.has(codId)? [...mp.get(codId),ordNo]: [ordNo] ), new Map )
  • Map table1 to a array of objects: Map table1 到对象数组:

     const finalArr = table1.map( ([id,Item,Date]) => ({Item,Date, "Order_No": table2map.get(id).join()}) )

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