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Swift 协议子类型的协议一致性问题

[英]Swift protocol conformance issue with sub type of protocol

internal protocol Reducer {
        associatedtype S : BaseState
        associatedtype A : BaseAction
        func reduce(state: S, action: A) -> S
    internal class ReducerImpl : Reducer {
        func reduce(state: MainState, action: MainAction) -> MainState { //<-- Error because MainAction is a protocol not a concrete one.
            return state
    internal class MainState : BaseState {}
    internal protocol MainAction : BaseAction {}
    internal protocol BaseState {}
    internal protocol BaseAction {}

If I change MainAction from protocol to class, the compile error disappears.如果我将MainAction从协议更改为 class,编译错误就会消失。

I've searching many articles to understand of this error but failed.我搜索了许多文章以了解此错误,但失败了。

Do I have to pass a concrete parameter(eg. enum, class, struct) in reduce(...) function?我是否必须在reduce(...) function 中传递具体参数(例如枚举、class、结构)?

I want to make ReducerImpl can take various action type that conform MainAction.我想让ReducerImpl可以采取符合MainAction 的各种动作类型。

Is there anyone who can give me explain about that error and why the Swift adopt this kind of rule.有没有人能给我解释一下这个错误以及为什么 Swift 采用这种规则。

associatedtype has to be concrete, ie. associatedtype必须是具体的,即。 a type and not a protocol .一个类型而不是一个协议

What you can do is to create a narrower protocol with a generic function that accepts a MainAction parameter:您可以做的是使用接受MainAction参数的通用 function 创建一个更窄的协议:

internal protocol MainReducer {
    associatedtype State
    func reduce<Action>(state: State, action: Action) -> State where Action: MainAction

internal class ReducerImpl: MainReducer {
    func reduce<Action>(state: MainState, action: Action) -> MainState where Action: MainAction {
        return state

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