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如何在 Jupyter Notebook 中使用 Pyodbc 从 SQL 服务器存储过程中检索多行

[英]How to retrieve multiple rows from a SQL Server stored procedure using Pyodbc in Jupyter Notebook

I have a stored procedure in SQL Server which takes 3 input parameters and can produce multiple rows as output.我在 SQL 服务器中有一个存储过程,它接受 3 个输入参数并且可以生成多行作为 output。 In fact, it is returning 20 rows in my current case.事实上,在我目前的情况下,它返回了 20 行。 For instance, if I manually execute the stored procedure from SSMS, I get the following code and partial output, respectively:例如,如果我从 SSMS 手动执行存储过程,我将分别得到以下代码和部分 output:


DECLARE @return_value int
EXEC    @return_value = [Coverage-Source].[ReadCoverageMapping]
        @client = N'Capital BlueCross',
        @lineOfBusiness = N'Commercial',
        @distributionChannel = N'Retail'
SELECT  'Return Value' = @return_value

Output: Output:

ID   Attribute   Value      CoverageName
1      Copay      Yes        Retail Base
2      Copay       No        Retail
.        .         .            .
.        .         .            .
Return Value

Now, while I try to read the stored procedure from jupyter notebook using pyodbc, I get an error现在,当我尝试使用 pyodbc 从 jupyter notebook 读取存储过程时,出现错误

Procedure or function ReadCoverageMapping has too many arguments specified程序或 function ReadCoverageMapping 指定了太多 arguments

I want output something like this:我想要 output 是这样的:

 ID   Attribute   Value      CoverageName
  1      Copay      Yes        Retail Base
  2      Copay       No        Retail
  .        .         .            .
  .        .         .            .

I tried this code:我试过这段代码:

client = 'Capital BlueCross'
lineOfBusiness = 'Commercial'
distributionChannel = 'Retail'
 cnxn = pyodbc.connect(r'Driver={SQL 
 sql = """\
 DECLARE @out nvarchar(max);
 EXEC [cov_srce_test].[coverage-source].ReadCoverageMapping @client = ?, @lineOfBusiness = ?, 
 @distributionChannel = ?, @param_out = @out OUTPUT;
 SELECT @out AS the_output;
 values = (client, lineOfBusiness, distributionChannel)
 cnxn.execute(sql, values)
 rows = cnxn.fetchall()
 while rows:
 if cnxn.nextset():
    rows = cnxn.fetchall()
    rows = None

Is there any way to achieve this?有什么办法可以做到这一点? I tried using multiple ways, but couldn't find a solution.我尝试使用多种方法,但找不到解决方案。

Those batches are different.这些批次是不同的。 Looks like it should be:看起来应该是:

sql = """\
DECLARE @return_value int
EXEC    @return_value = [Coverage-Source].[ReadCoverageMapping]
        @client = ?,
        @lineOfBusiness = ?,
        @distributionChannel = ?
SELECT  'Return Value' = @return_value

which will output two resultsets, one from the stored procedure, and a second one for the Return value which you can probably omit.这将 output 两个结果集,一个来自存储过程,另一个用于Return value ,您可能会忽略它。

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