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脚本标签的 ViewChild 返回 undefined

[英]ViewChild of script tag returns undefined

I need to access a script tag with ViewChild but it returns undefined when I try to access to nativeElement .我需要使用 ViewChild 访问脚本标记,但是当我尝试访问时它返回 undefined nativeElement It is working with a normal <p> tag but not with <script> .它正在使用普通的<p>标签,但不适用于<script>
Here is the stackblitz with an example (with p and script ). 这是带有示例的 stackblitz (带有pscript )。
I basically do:我基本上是这样做的:

@ViewChild('pRef', {static: false}) pRef: ElementRef;

and the in ngAfterViewInit():以及在 ngAfterViewInit() 中:

this.pRef.nativeElement.innerHTML = "DOM updated succesfully!!!";

User Renderer2 and Document to inject your script dynamically.用户 Renderer2 和 Document 动态注入您的脚本。

in app.component.ts在 app.component.ts

  selector: 'my-app',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: [ './app.component.css' ]
export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit {
  name = 'Angular';

  @ViewChild('pRef', {static: false}) script: ElementRef;
  @ViewChild('prefworking', {static: false}) prefworking: ElementRef;
        private _renderer2: Renderer2, 
        @Inject(DOCUMENT) private _document: Document
    ) { }

    ngAfterViewInit() {
    this.prefworking.nativeElement.innerHTML = "Working pref"; 

   convertToScript() {
         let script = this._renderer2.createElement('script');
        script.type = `text/javascript`;

        this._renderer2.appendChild(this._document.body, script);

I have created the stackblitz.我创建了stackblitz。 checkout this link https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-8-viewchild-example-gaffzs查看此链接https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-8-viewchild-example-gaffzs

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