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Mono.then() 在测试中未执行

[英]Mono.then() not executing when in tests

I'm trying to test the following code using integration tests:我正在尝试使用集成测试来测试以下代码:

return ((Mono<Object>) joinPoint.proceed()).then(provider.getAuthor().flatMap((author) -> {
                    .forEach(arg -> javers.commitShallowDeleteById(author, InstanceIdDTO.instanceId(arg.toString(), deletedEntity)));
            return Mono.empty();

jointPoint.proceeed() Always returns a Mono<Void> so that's why i'm using then() . jointPoint.proceeed()总是返回Mono<Void>所以这就是我使用then()的原因。

When running the app in debug mode if i place a breakpoint inside the flatmap i can see it passes through there, however if i run it in a @SpringBootTest in no longer passes inside the flatmap.在调试模式下运行应用程序时,如果我在平面图中放置一个断点,我可以看到它通过那里,但是如果我在@SpringBootTest中运行它,则不再在平面图中通过。

Test configuration:测试配置:

@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)

Provider: when(authorProvider.getAuthor()).thenReturn(Mono.just("Author"));提供者: when(authorProvider.getAuthor()).thenReturn(Mono.just("Author"));

  1. Maybe provider.getAuthor() returns no value (a Mono.empty() ) when you run your test?运行测试时, provider.getAuthor()可能没有返回值(一个Mono.empty() )?

    A flatMap needs a value to operate on. flatMap需要一个值来操作。 If there is no value, it won't be called.如果没有值,则不会调用它。 You can add a doOnComplete() call and see whether it is triggered when the sequence completes.您可以添加一个doOnComplete()调用并查看它是否在序列完成时触发。

    Are the web application and the test running with the same data? web 应用程序和测试是否使用相同的数据运行?

  2. " Nothing happens until you subscribe " 在您订阅之前什么都不会发生

    You can add a doOnSubscribe() call and see whether it is triggered and when, when running the test.您可以添加一个doOnSubscribe()调用并查看它是否被触发以及何时触发,何时运行测试。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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