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从自定义视图 class 添加自定义视图到 UIViewController

[英]Add a custom view to the UIViewController from the custom view class

I have a custom view.我有一个自定义视图。 I named AnimatingView .我命名为AnimatingView I have customized the view in the AnimatingView.swift .我在AnimatingView.swift中自定义了视图。 In the ViewController, I am initiating the view with在 ViewController 中,我正在启动视图

let customAnimatingView = AnimatingView(overView: self.view)

and then I add the subView with -然后我添加子视图 -


However, I don't want the user add it as a subView like above, rather.但是,我不希望用户像上面那样将它添加为子视图。 I want to call a func from AnimatingView and the custom view should add it the controller like -我想从AnimatingView调用一个函数,自定义视图应该将它添加到 controller 中,比如 -


Can anyone give me some hint on how can I achieve such behavior.谁能给我一些关于如何实现这种行为的提示。

Inside the custom view do在自定义视图中做

// add a property that refers to the the vc container of the view
// init it when you create an instance of the view
weak var parentController:UIViewController?
func present() { 

OR if you need to send the main view instead或者如果您需要发送主视图

var parentView:UIView?
func present() { 

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