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如何显示给定 div 的所有结果,而不仅仅是一个 - puppeter

[英]How to display all results for a given div, not just one - puppeter

Excuse me, but the documentation is a little incomprehensible to me.对不起,但文档对我来说有点难以理解。

I use the argument:我使用的论点:

const myDiv = await page.$$eval(".myDiv", myDiv => myDiv.textContent);

but the console.log will only return one result while the results for this div are >10.但是当这个 div 的结果大于 10 时,console.log 只会返回一个结果。

How do I display them all?我如何将它们全部显示出来?

edit// That's my code that I'm learning from编辑//这是我正在学习的代码

const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');

(async () => {
  const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
  const page = await browser.newPage();
  await page.goto('mypage');
  // await page.screenshot({path: 'example.png'});
  await page.waitForSelector(".myDiv");
  const myDiv = await page.$eval(".myDiv", myDiv => myDiv.textContent);

  await browser.close();

Since you did not provide more code, this answer is pretty opinionated and maybe doesn't solve your problem.由于您没有提供更多代码,因此这个答案非常固执,可能无法解决您的问题。 But it shows you a way how to understand what is happening.但它向您展示了一种如何理解正在发生的事情的方法。

Exspecially in developement, it's very helpful to use a combination of page.exposeFunction() and page.evaluate() to see what is going on in the browser and also in node/puppeteer.特别是在开发中,结合使用page.exposeFunction()page.evaluate()来查看浏览器以及节点/puppeteer 中发生了什么非常有帮助。 Here is a draft which I hope it helps you to understand.这是一个草稿,希望能帮助你理解。

(async () => {
  function executedInNodeContext(result) {
    //this prints in the Node Console

  function executedInBrowserContext() {
    console.log('Im in the Browser');
    const myDiv = [...document.querySelectorAll('.myDiv')];

  // See the browser
  const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: false });

  // Create a new page
  const page = await browser.newPage();

  // Callback in Node Context
  await page.exposeFunction('nameOfNodeFunction', executedInNodeContext);

  // Send puppeteer to a Url
  await page.goto('http://localhost/awesome/URL');

  // Function executed in the Browser on the given page
  await page.evaluate(executedInBrowserContext);

You can use page.evaluate :您可以使用page.evaluate

const myDiv = await page.evaluate(() => {
  const divs = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.myDiv'))
  return divs.map(d => d.textContent)

Function passed to page.evaluate will be serialized and sent to browser, so it is executed in browser context (not Node).传递给 page.evaluate 的page.evaluate将被序列化并发送到浏览器,因此它在浏览器上下文(而不是 Node)中执行。

page.$$eval() sends in its callback an array with elements, so you need something like this to get all elements data: page.$$eval()在其回调中发送一个包含元素的数组,因此您需要这样的东西来获取所有元素数据:

const myDivs = await page.$$eval(".myDiv", divs => divs.map(div => div.textContent));

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