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Angular 10、不同类型用户导航问题header

[英]Angular 10, problem header navigation for different type user

I have a header on the web page that according to the type of user (normal or admin) shows a navigation header with 2 different operations, an admin sees all registered users and their reservations while a normal user sees their reservations and can to book.我在 web 页面上有一个 header,根据用户类型(普通或管理员)显示具有 2 种不同操作的导航 header,管理员可以看到所有注册用户及其预订,而普通用户可以看到他们的预订并可以预订。 I used a '* ngIf' to show the different header but on login with normal user it shows me the header of the admin and more 'always in the header I have the logout button which shows a welcome message with the name of the 'user who accesses but if I don't update the page is not seen.我使用“* ngIf”来显示不同的 header,但是在使用普通用户登录时,它向我显示了管理员的 header 以及更多“总是在 header 中”我有注销按钮,它显示了一条带有“用户”名称的欢迎消息谁访问但如果我不更新页面是看不到的。 how can i solve?我该如何解决? thank you.谢谢你。

app-component: https://i.stack.imgur.com/v9tA5.png应用组件: https://i.stack.imgur.com/v9tA5.png

header: https://i.stack.imgur.com/yOerJ.png header: https://i.stack.imgur.com/yOerJ.png

it would be more efficient if you post the ts component file to see how permissions are arriving.如果您发布 ts 组件文件以查看权限如何到达,效率会更高。 A suggestion is to unificate the code block, and check the permission only in the item of the menu.一个建议是统一代码块,只检查菜单项的权限。 To avoid duplicate code.以避免重复代码。

<div *ngIf="loggedUser">
      <li *ngIf="isAdmin">
      <li *ngIf="!isAdmin">

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