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如何在 javascript 中访问 function 之外的数组

[英]How to access array outside of a function in javascript

I'm just wondering how to figure this strange security/scope question out:我只是想知道如何解决这个奇怪的安全/范围问题:

function vector() {
    var array = [];
    return {
        append: function append(v) {
        get: function get(i) {
            return array[i];
        store: function store(i,v) {
            array[i] = v;

This is the question asked:这是被问到的问题:

Can you spot any security concerns with this approach?你能发现这种方法的任何安全问题吗? Mainly, can we get access to the array outside of vector ?主要是,我们可以访问vector之外的array吗? Note*: the issue has nothing to do with prototypes and we can assume that global prototypes cannot be altered.注意*:该问题与原型无关,我们可以假设全局原型无法更改。 Hint*: Think about using this in a method invocation.提示*:考虑在方法调用中使用this Can we override a method of vector?我们可以覆盖向量的方法吗?


var v = vector();
var internalData = exploitVector(v); // [1, 2]

My attempts + thoughts我的尝试+想法

Pretty sure I'm supposed to use the this keyword somehow as the hint says.正如提示所说,我很确定我应该以某种方式使用this关键字。 I'm a beginner at javascript so I don't fully understand the context that well.我是 javascript 的初学者,所以我不太了解context This code is written in a file with other functions on the text editor Atom, not a browser.此代码是在文本编辑器 Atom 上编写的具有其他功能的文件,而不是浏览器。

function exploitVector(v) {
    v.get = function() {
        return this.array;
    return v.get();

Also, this is just a fun exercise I saw on a github repo.此外,这只是我在 github 存储库中看到的一个有趣的练习。

Vector.store() can be abused to modify the array methods (eg array.push ), followed by a v.append() to trigger the modified array.push method.可以滥用Vector.store()来修改数组方法(例如array.push ),然后使用v.append()来触发修改后的array.push方法。 The modified push method can for example either do something like window.visiblearray=this after which, visiblearray can be accessed globally.例如,修改后的 push 方法可以执行window.visiblearray=this之类的操作,之后,可以全局访问 visiblearray。

Or as in the example below, store this (Array instance) to visiblearray of local scope, and then return it.或者如下例所示, this (数组实例)存储到本地 scope 的 visiblearray 中,然后返回。

 function vector() { var array = []; return { append: function append(v) { array.push(v); }, get: function get(i) { return array[i]; }, store: function store(i,v) { array[i] = v; } }; } var v = vector(); v.append(1); v.append(2); var internalData = exploitVector(v); // [1, 2] function exploitVector(v) { var visible_array; v.store('push', function(x){visible_array=this}) // modify array push v.append(12) // trigger the modified array push console.log(visible_array); return visible_array }

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