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Python 识别带引号和不带引号

[英]Python recognise with and without quotation marks

I have this line of code that works.我有这行代码有效。

price = df1.loc[:, ['price', 'date']]

I need to emulate this is as a loop with other metrics like sales and revenue.我需要将其模拟为与销售和收入等其他指标的循环。 Is this possible?这可能吗? ie How do I get Python to reference a word in the list both with and without quotation marks?即,如何让 Python 引用列表中带引号和不带引号的单词?

listx = [price,sales, revenue]
for a in listx:
    a = df1.loc[:, ['a', 'date']]

IIUC, you could do something like this, using a list comprehension: IIUC,你可以做这样的事情,使用列表理解:

listx = ['price','sales', 'revenue']
price, sales, revenue=[df1.loc[:, [a, 'date']] for a in listx]

For a general way, this could be an approach using globals :一般来说,这可能是一种使用globals的方法:

listx = ['price','sales', 'revenue']
for a in listx:
    globals().update({a:df1.loc[:, [a, 'date']]})

As is requested in the comments, please provide a minimal reproducible example in the future.根据评论中的要求,请在未来提供一个最小的可重现示例

One way to do it is to save it in a dict:一种方法是将其保存在字典中:

metrics = {}
listx = ['price', 'sales', 'revenue']
for a in listx:
    metrics[a] = df1.loc[:, [a, 'date']]

Now you can access the metrics with metric['sales'] etc.现在您可以使用metric['sales']等访问指标。

Maybe I misunderstood your question.也许我误解了你的问题。 Please provide a minimal reproducible example in the future.请在将来提供一个最小的可重现示例

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