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尝试在 React JS 的 function 中添加循环获取 JSX 表达式必须具有一个父元素

[英]Trying to add loop in function of React JS getting JSX expressions must have one parent element


I tried adding <> </> as mentioned in other answers but that dint work.我尝试像其他答案中提到的那样添加<> </>但那确实有效。 Its a simple function component with return statement:它是一个带有返回语句的简单 function 组件:

export default function Merchant4SubscriptionForm(props) {
//some code
return (
//some rendering
<div className="card active rounded bg-primary p-5 my-3 mr-3 text-center">
                            {produts.map(product => (
                                <h1 className="price">{product.price}</h1>
                                <ul className="no-disk">
                                    <li>{product.month_count} month count</li>
                                    <li>{product.time} Package</li>
                        ))} //This area shows red however, please check console attached.
                            <img className="img-responsive mt-5" src="2219 [Converted]-01.png" />


The error got away with simple div added in the starting of the loop.在循环开始时添加简单的 div 就可以避免错误。 Dint understand why though.虽然不明白为什么。

{products.map(product => (
                            <h1 className="price">{product.price}</h1>
                            <ul className="no-disk">
                                <li>{product.month_count} month count</li>
                                <li>{product.time} Package</li>

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