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从 boto3 生成 AWS HTTP 签名

[英]Generate the AWS HTTP signature from boto3

I am working with the AWS Transcribe streaming service that boto3 does not support yet, so to make HTTP/2 requests, I need to manually setup the authorization header with the "AWS Signature Version 4"我正在使用 boto3 尚不支持的AWS Transcribe 流媒体服务,因此要发出 HTTP/2 请求,我需要使用“AWS 签名版本 4”手动设置authorization header

I've found some example implementation , but I was hoping to just call whatever function boto3/botocore have implemented using the same configuration object.我找到了一些示例实现,但我希望只调用 function boto3/botocore 使用相同配置 object 实现的任何内容。

Something like就像是

    session = boto3.Session(...)
    auth = session.generate_signature('POST', '/stream-transcription', ...)

Any pointers in that direction?那个方向有什么指示吗?

Contrary to the AWS SDKs for most other programming languages, boto3 / botocore don't offer the functionality to sign arbitrary requests using "AWS Signature Version 4" yet.与大多数其他编程语言的 AWS 开发工具包相反, boto3 / botocore不提供使用“AWS 签名版本 4”签署任意请求的功能。 However there is at least already an open feature request for that: https://github.com/boto/botocore/issues/1784但是至少已经有一个开放的功能请求: https://github.com/boto/botocore/issues/1784

In this feature request, existing alternatives are discussed as well.在此功能请求中,还讨论了现有的替代方案。 One is the third-party Python library aws-requests-auth , which provides a thin wrapper around botocore and requests to sign HTTP-requests.一个是第三方 Python 库aws-requests-auth ,它提供了一个围绕botocorerequests的瘦包装器来签署 HTTP 请求。 That looks like the following:看起来像下面这样:

import requests
from aws_requests_auth.boto_utils import BotoAWSRequestsAuth

auth = BotoAWSRequestsAuth(aws_host="your-service.domain.tld",
response = requests.get("https://your-service.domain.tld",

Another alternative presented in the feature request is to implement the necessary glue-code on your own, as shown in the following gist:https://gist.github.com/rhboyd/1e01190a6b27ca4ba817bf272d5a5f9a .功能请求中提出的另一种选择是自行实施必要的粘合代码,如以下要点所示:https://gist.github.com/rhboyd/1e01190a6b27ca4ba817bf272d5a5f9a

I have not tested this, but you can likely accomplish this by following along with with this SigV4 unit test:我没有对此进行测试,但您可以通过遵循此 SigV4 单元测试来完成此操作:

https://github.com/boto/botocore/blob/master/tests/unit/test_auth_sigv4.py https://github.com/boto/botocore/blob/master/tests/unit/test_auth_sigv4.py

Note, this constructs a request using the botocore.awsrequest.AWSRequest helper.请注意,这会使用botocore.awsrequest.AWSRequest帮助器构造一个请求。 You'll likely need to dig around to figure out how to send the actual HTTP request (perhaps with httpsession.py )您可能需要深入了解如何发送实际的 HTTP 请求(可能使用httpsession.py

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