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如何将 Reactjs 日志和指标推送到 Grafana

[英]How to push Reactjs logs and metrics to Grafana


I am working on a project where we have a server setup in Java and for front-end we are using ReactJs.我正在做一个项目,我们在 Java 中有一个服务器设置,对于前端,我们使用的是 ReactJs。 Our server ships all logs to Loki endpoint via their push API and all metrics to a prometheus push-gateway.我们的服务器通过他们的推送 API 将所有日志发送到 Loki 端点,并将所有指标发送到 prometheus 推送网关。 Grafana then pulls those logs and metrics from Loki and push-gateway for display.然后,Grafana 从 Loki 和推送网关中提取这些日志和指标进行显示。


I want to persist and place the ReactJs application logs and metrics so they are visible on grafana .我想保留并放置ReactJs应用程序日志和指标,以便它们在grafana上可见。 This will help us see both frontend and backend application logs & metrics in the same place.这将帮助我们在同一个地方查看前端和后端应用程序日志和指标。 Is there a free , opensource Javascript library or framework that can help me with that.是否有免费的、开源的 Javascript 库或框架可以帮助我。 The less code I need to write the better.我需要编写的代码越少越好。

I was opting for sentry before but it's not completely free anymore.我之前选择了哨兵,但它不再完全免费了。 And we cannot use console logging as it disappears on browser refresh and not really helpful in production而且我们不能使用控制台日志,因为它会在浏览器刷新时消失,并且对生产没有帮助

So I didn't find a good library at that time but I was eventually able to ship logs to loki push endpoint.所以当时我没有找到一个好的库,但我最终能够将日志发送到 loki push 端点。

I tried to push logs directly from frontend to loki push endpoint.我尝试将日志直接从前端推送到 loki 推送端点。 This gave me a cors error.这给了我一个 cors 错误。 So I came up with the following steps to get around cors with Loki.所以我想出了以下步骤来绕过 cors 和 Loki。

My workaround:我的解决方法:

  1. Setup nginx proxy server.设置 nginx 代理服务器。
  2. Nginx resolves cors. Nginx 解析 cors。
  3. Add reverse proxy to nginx.将反向代理添加到 nginx。 I send request to nginx host and then it forwards that request to loki from within same network so no cors.我向 nginx 主机发送请求,然后它将请求从同一网络内转发给 loki,因此没有 cors。

I took alot of reading and hit and trys but I got the setup working.我花了很多时间阅读和尝试,但我得到了设置工作。 We are now using this setup to push frontend logs to grafana我们现在正在使用此设置将前端日志推送到 grafana

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