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即使指定的模式是点,DecimalFormat 也使用逗号分隔符

[英]DecimalFormat uses comma separator even when the pattern specified is a dot

I have the below code for formatting a double to two decimal places;我有以下代码用于将双精度位格式化为两位小数;

DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
double monthlyVal = forecastReturnValue / months;
return Double.valueOf(df.format(monthlyVal));

The last line fails with a NumberFormatException because decimals are separated by a comma;最后一行以NumberFormatException失败,因为小数用逗号分隔;


I am using windows OpenJDK8:我正在使用 windows OpenJDK8:

openjdk version "1.8.0_41"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build1.8.0_41-b04)
OpenJDK Client VM (build 25.40-b25, mixed mode)

What could be the cause?可能是什么原因?

The DecimalFormat ist only for formating the value. DecimalFormat仅用于格式化值。 Double.valueOf doesn't know the format and expect a . Double.valueOf不知道格式并期望. if you want to parse duch string you have to use DecimalFormat for parsing this value:如果你想解析 duch 字符串,你必须使用DecimalFormat来解析这个值:

return df.parse(df.format(monthlyVal));

The cause is the Locale .原因是Locale By default, you are connected to the Locale on your system, which return a decimal separator as , .默认情况下,您连接到系统上的区域设置,它返回一个小数点分隔符为, Using DecimalFormat, to change, do the following:要使用 DecimalFormat 进行更改,请执行以下操作:

DecimalFormatSymbols symbols = new DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale.US);
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00", symbols);
double monthlyVal = forecastReturnValue / months;
return Double.valueOf(df.format(monthlyVal));

IMHO, I'd recommend using BigDecimal for such use cases, as it is more accurate, less error prone, and handle easily usage of rounding, scaling and so on.恕我直言,我建议在此类用例中使用 BigDecimal,因为它更准确,更不容易出错,并且可以轻松处理舍入、缩放等的使用。

The equivalent could be:等价的可能是:

BigDecimal monthlyVal = BigDecimal.valueOf(20.0).divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(12), 2, RoundingMode.CEILING); // 2 is the scale. RoundingMode is up to you

When you write new DecimalFormat("0.00");当你写new DecimalFormat("0.00"); you are not specifying the separator type.您没有指定分隔符类型。 You are just specifying that there should be a separator.您只是指定应该有一个分隔符。 The separator will still be based on your locale.分隔符仍将基于您的语言环境。

Format Strings us "." 格式化字符串我们“。” as the decimal separator.作为小数分隔符。

If you want to use a '.'如果你想使用'.' you can change your locale.你可以改变你的语言环境。

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