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react-navigation 嵌套抽屉项目

[英]react-navigation nested drawer items

I'm trying to create nested menu in react native drawer.我正在尝试在反应原生抽屉中创建嵌套菜单。 I can create the menu as below but I have to find a way to group items and put them into accordion.我可以创建如下菜单,但我必须找到一种方法来对项目进行分组并将它们放入手风琴中。 This is how I currently create the menu:这是我目前创建菜单的方式:

import React from 'react';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { SafeAreaView, ScrollView, StyleSheet,View } from 'react-native';
import { DrawerItems,createDrawerNavigator  } from 'react-navigation';
import { Container, Content, Text, List, ListItem } from "native-base";
import {Image,ImageBackground} from "react-native";
import logo from '../images/logofullwhite200.png';

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    paddingTop: 20

const DrawerComponent = props => {
  const skippedItems = Object.keys(props.drawerItems).filter(name => props.drawerItems[name].skip);
  return (
    <ScrollView style={styles.container}>
      <SafeAreaView style={styles.container} forceInset={{ top: 'always', horizontal: 'never' }}>
              uri: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GeekyAnts/NativeBase-KitchenSink/master/assets/drawer-cover.png"
              height: 120,
              alignSelf: "stretch",
              justifyContent: "center",
              alignItems: "center"
              style={{ height: 50, width: 150 }}
            onItemPress={({ focused, route }) => {
              if (!skippedItems.includes(route.routeName)) {
                props.onItemPress({ focused, route });

DrawerComponent.propTypes = {
  onItemPress: PropTypes.func,
  drawerItems: PropTypes.object

export default DrawerComponent;

this is the data example这是数据示例

"CreateSale": Object {
    "navigationOptions": Object {
      "drawerLabel": Object {
        "$$typeof": Symbol(react.element),
        "_owner": null,
        "_store": Object {},
        "key": null,
        "props": Object {
          "i18nKey": "sale.create_sale",
        "ref": null,
        "type": [Function I18nextWithTranslation],
    "screen": [Function KeyboardAwareNavigator],
    "userInfo": Object {
      "showOnLogin": true,
  "Customer": Object {
    "navigationOptions": Object {
      "drawerLabel": Object {
        "$$typeof": Symbol(react.element),
        "_owner": null,
        "_store": Object {},
        "key": null,
        "props": Object {
          "i18nKey": "list.title",
        "ref": null,
        "type": [Function I18nextWithTranslation],
    "screen": [Function KeyboardAwareNavigator],
    "userInfo": Object {
      "showOnLogin": true,


This is how index.tsx looks这就是 index.tsx 的样子

export default new ClientModule({
  router: <MainScreenNavigator />,
  onAppCreate: [
    async (modules: ClientModule) =>
      (ref.navigator = createDrawerNavigator(
          // eslint-disable-next-line
          contentComponent: props => <DrawerComponent {...props} drawerItems={modules.drawerItems} />

I have to put the items in to accordion, they have to look nested such as as below:我必须将项目放入手风琴中,它们必须看起来像嵌套,如下所示:


  • Customers顾客
  • Customer顾客

no need to make nested drawer.无需制作嵌套抽屉。 you can use react-native-collapsible and make custom drawerItem like accordion您可以使用react-native-collapsible并制作像手风琴一样的自定义抽屉项

yarn add react-native-collapsible
import Collapsible from 'react-native-collapsible';

() => (
  <Collapsible collapsed={isCollapsed}>
    <SomeCollapsedView />

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