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为什么此代码会给出错误“无法将 'char*&' 类型的非 const 左值引用绑定到 'char*' 类型的右值”

[英]Why does this code give the error “cannot bind non-const lvalue reference of type ‘char*&’ to an rvalue of type ‘char*’”

Why does the following code give this error:为什么以下代码会出现此错误:

cannot bind non-const lvalue reference of type 'char &' to an rvalue of type 'char '无法将“char &”类型的非常量左值引用绑定到“char”类型的右值

#include <string>

int main()
    std::string p {"Test string"};
    auto &r = p.data();
    return 0;

The type of the pointer returned by std::string::data is char * . std::string::data返回的指针类型是char * And the type of variable r is char *& .变量r的类型是char *& So why, in this case, the type of char * cannot be referenced by a type of char * ?那么为什么在这种情况下char *的类型不能被 char char *的类型引用呢?

The reason is that the C++ standard doesn't allow non-const references to bind to temporaries, and std::string::data returns a pointer by value.原因是 C++ 标准不允许非常量引用绑定到临时对象,并且std::string::data按值返回指针。 Only const reference can do that, and prolong the life of the temporary object.只有const引用可以做到这一点,并延长临时 object 的寿命。

In your case you either need to make your reference const.在您的情况下,您需要将参考设为 const。

const auto& r = p.data();

Or better, just create a variable that will store the pointer for you, as pointers are cheap to copy around.或者更好的是,只需创建一个变量来为您存储指针,因为指针复制起来很便宜。

const char* r = p.data();


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