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如何将用户添加到 SharePoint 用户组

[英]How to add a user to a SharePoint user group

I have a contacts list that I would like the ability to add a contact (user) to the Visitor's security group.我有一个联系人列表,我希望能够将联系人(用户)添加到访问者的安全组。 I have a workflow that gets the appropriate security group and now I need a HTTP REST request of adding this user to that group.我有一个获得适当安全组的工作流,现在我需要一个 HTTP REST 请求将此用户添加到该组。

Thank you in advance先感谢您

I understand you want to add a user to a group using SharePoint Rest API.我了解您想使用 SharePoint Rest API 将用户添加到组中。 If so, you can take a reference of below dcos:如果是这样,您可以参考以下 dcos:



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