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Perl CLI 就地字符串替换/用特殊字符替换多行

[英]Perl CLI in-place string substitution/replacement of multiple lines with special characters

I'm trying to write a CLI command to change the contents of a config file.我正在尝试编写一个 CLI 命令来更改配置文件的内容。

The config file has these lines:配置文件有以下几行:


I want to change those two lines to this one line:我想将这两行更改为这一行:


I want to replace multiple lines, so I'm trying to use Perl to do that.我想替换多行,所以我尝试使用 Perl 来做到这一点。

perl -i -pe 's/JAVA_OPTS="\$JAVA_OPTS -XX:\+UseParNewGC"\nJAVA_OPTS="\$JAVA_OPTS -XX:\+UseConcMarkSweepGC"/JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -XX:+UseG1GC"/' name-of-file.sh

However, this command doesn't change the file.但是,此命令不会更改文件。 I'm guessing the regular expression doesn't match.我猜正则表达式不匹配。 I don't know why.我不知道为什么。 I've tried several variations of the command and I've tried escaping and double-escaping the $ and + symbols in the match string, but nothing I do makes a difference.我尝试了该命令的几种变体,并尝试了 escaping 并双重转义匹配字符串中的$+符号,但我所做的没有任何区别。 Can someone please offer a solution?有人可以提供解决方案吗?

I'm using Bash 3.2.57(1) and Perl 5.18.4 on macOS.我在 macOS 上使用 Bash 3.2.57(1) 和 Perl 5.18.4。

Try this perl command line with -0777 and \R instead of \n .试试这个 perl 命令行,使用-0777\R而不是\n -0777 enabled slurp mode in perl to match across multiple lines and \R lets it match all kind of line breaks (including DOS or OSX or Unix line breaks): -0777在 perl 中启用 slurp 模式以匹配多行和\R让它匹配所有类型的换行符(包括 DOS 或 OSX 或 Unix 换行符):

perl -0777 -i -pe 's/JAVA_OPTS="\$JAVA_OPTS -XX:\+UseParNewGC"\nJAVA_OPTS="\$JAVA_OPTS -XX:\+UseConcMarkSweepGC"/JAVA_OPTS="\$JAVA_OPTS -XX:+UseG1GC"/' file

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