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Java Spring 引导不会从 application.yml 中获取变量

[英]Java Spring Boot won't pick up variable from application.yml

I am working on an application that uses a variable that is declared in the application.yml file.我正在开发一个使用在 application.yml 文件中声明的变量的应用程序。 In my application.yml file it is defined as so:在我的 application.yml 文件中,它是这样定义的:

    five-minute-jobs: ${ENABLE_FIVE_MINUTE_JOBS:true}

In my controller file it is declared this way but it is always returning false whenever I log it in in the console.在我的 controller 文件中,它以这种方式声明,但每当我在控制台中登录时它总是返回false Here is the shortened version:这是缩短的版本:

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;

public class EmailJobSchedulerController {

    private boolean fiveMinuteJobsEnabled;

Am I declaring it correctly in the file?我在文件中正确声明了吗? Been searching on other threads but haven't been able to find a clear answer for this.一直在搜索其他线程,但无法找到明确的答案。 Thanks!谢谢!

Have you tried with code below?您是否尝试过以下代码?

    five-minute-jobs: true

@value annotation will get the value if it's under bean life cycle else you need to take from ConfigureEnviornment class, is below code is registered with bean? @value 注释将在 bean 生命周期中获取值,否则您需要从 ConfigureEnviornment class 中获取值,下面的代码是用 bean 注册的吗? I feel you might be missed adding @RestController on top of this class我觉得您可能会错过在此 class 之上添加 @RestController

 import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
 public class EmailJobSchedulerController {

private boolean fiveMinuteJobsEnabled;

May be you are not setting the env variable correctly.可能是您没有正确设置env变量。 Can you do the following in your main @SpringBootApplication class and tell me what it is printing?你能在你的主要@SpringBootApplication class 中执行以下操作并告诉我它在打印什么吗?

    public class AccessingDataJpaApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ConfigurableApplicationContext context = SpringApplication.run(AccessingDataJpaApplication.class);


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