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如何使用 purrr::map(未迭代)附加 arguments?

[英]How to use purrr::map (not to be iterated) additional arguments?

I thought I had understood how to use the additional arguments argument ( ... ) of purrr::map .我以为我已经了解如何使用purrr::map的附加 arguments 参数( ... )。 Here is some code that hopefully illustrates the (to me) unexpected behaviour of purrr::map :这是一些代码,希望能说明purrr::map的(对我而言)意外行为:

It seems that passing argument a as additional argument in purrr::map is not working:似乎在purrr::map参数a作为附加参数传递不起作用:


f <- function(a, b) {
  a + b

g <- function(a = 0, b) {
  a + b

map(1:3, .f = ~ f(b = .x, a = 1))
#> [[1]]
#> [1] 2
#> [[2]]
#> [1] 3
#> [[3]]
#> [1] 4
map(1:3, .f = ~ f(b = .x), a = 1)
#> Error in f(b = .x): argument "a" is missing, with no default

map(1:3, .f = ~ g(b = .x, a = 1))
#> [[1]]
#> [1] 2
#> [[2]]
#> [1] 3
#> [[3]]
#> [1] 4
map(1:3, .f = ~ g(b = .x), a = 1)
#> [[1]]
#> [1] 1
#> [[2]]
#> [1] 2
#> [[3]]
#> [1] 3

lapply(1:3, function(b, a = 1) f(a, b))
#> [[1]]
#> [1] 2
#> [[2]]
#> [1] 3
#> [[3]]
#> [1] 4
lapply(1:3, function(b, a) f(a, b), a = 1)
#> [[1]]
#> [1] 2
#> [[2]]
#> [1] 3
#> [[3]]
#> [1] 4

My question is why does the code:我的问题是为什么代码:

map(1:3, .f = ~ f(b = .x), a = 1)

throw an error?抛出错误?

We could pass the remaining arguments without any anonymous function我们可以在没有任何匿名 function 的情况下传递剩余的 arguments

map(1:3, f, a = 1)
#[1] 2

#[1] 3

#[1] 4

Or another option is rlang::as_function or purrr:as_mapper或者另一个选项是rlang::as_functionpurrr:as_mapper

map(1:3, as_mapper(f), a = 1)

Or create the f on the fly或动态创建f

map(1:3, as_mapper(~ .x + .y), a = 1)

Or call it in invoke或者在调用中invoke

map(1:3, ~ invoke(f, b = .x, a = 1))
#[1] 2

#[1] 3

#[1] 4

This would make it more easier to read than the .f = ~ f(b =.x), a = 1这将使它比.f = ~ f(b =.x), a = 1更容易阅读

Behind the scenes, map() calls as_mapper() .在幕后, map() 调用 as_mapper() We can do this by hand to see what's going on:我们可以手动执行此操作以查看发生了什么:

purrr::as_mapper( ~ f(b = .x, a = 1) )
# <lambda>
# function (..., .x = ..1, .y = ..2, . = ..1) 
# f(b = .x, a = 1)                                <----
# attr(,"class")
# [1] "rlang_lambda_function" "function"

purrr::as_mapper( ~ f(b = .x), a=1 )
# <lambda>
# function (..., .x = ..1, .y = ..2, . = ..1) 
# f(b = .x)                                       <----
# attr(,"class")
# [1] "rlang_lambda_function" "function"           

I highlighted the important distinction with <--- .我强调了与<---的重要区别。 Notice that in the second case, the lambda function that gets created does not incorporate your extra a=1 parameter, which leads to the error you are observing.请注意,在第二种情况下,创建的 lambda function 没有包含您的额外a=1参数,这会导致您观察到的错误。

To address your comment, a=1 actually is being passed to the lambda function.为了解决您的评论, a=1实际上正在传递给 lambda function。 Your lambda function just isn't doing anything with it.你的 lambda function 只是没有做任何事情。 To properly incorporate a , the lambda function definition needs to handle the ... dots:要正确合并a , lambda function 定义需要处理...点:

g <- function(a, b, ...) {a + b}               # ... are needed to catch all extra 
                                               #   arguments from as_mapper

purrr::as_mapper( .f = ~ g(b=.x, ...) )
# <lambda>
# function (..., .x = ..1, .y = ..2, . = ..1) 
# g(b = .x, ...)                               <-- dots are now forwarded to g()
# attr(,"class")
# [1] "rlang_lambda_function" "function"            

purrr::map(1:3, .f = ~ g(b=.x, ...), a=1 )     # a now properly gets passed to g
# [[1]]
# [1] 2
# [[2]]
# [1] 3
# [[3]]
# [1] 4

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