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无法重新访问内部菜单(while 循环和切换)

[英]Unable to re-access inner menu (while loop and switch)

I have the following reproducible example:我有以下可重现的示例:

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int choice;
    bool run = true;
    char inner_choice;
    bool inner_run = true;
    while(run != false)
        cout << "Pick a selection" << endl;
        cout << "1) Case 1" << endl;
        cout << "2) Case 2" << endl;
        cout << "3) Case 3" << endl;
        cout << "4) Quit" << endl;
        cout << "Enter your choice: ";
        cin >> choice;
            case 1: cout << "Inside case 1" << endl;
            case 2: cout << "Inside case 2" << endl;
            case 3: cout << "Select inner menu" << endl;
                    cout << "a) Inner case a" << endl;
                    cout << "b) Inner case b" << endl;
                    while(inner_run != false)
                        cout << "q) q to go back main menu" << endl;
                        cin >> inner_choice;
                            case 'a': cout << "Inside inner case a" << endl;
                            case 'b': cout << "Inside inner case b" << endl;
                            case 'q': cout << "Going back" << endl;
                                        inner_run = false;
            case 4: cout << "Terminate" << endl;
                    run = false;
    return 0;

The problem is when I select 3 for the first time, it will display the option to allow me to select the inner menu.问题是当我第一次使用 select 3时,它会显示允许我进入 select 内部菜单的选项。 When I select q to go back to the main menu and then to access 3 again, the option to select the inner menu is gone.当我 select q到 go 回到主菜单然后再次访问3时,内部菜单的选项 select 消失了。

I thought this could be due to the cin stream still having the input so I placed a cin.clear() but the problem persists.我认为这可能是由于cin stream 仍然有输入,所以我放置了一个 cin.clear() 但问题仍然存在。

Any suggestion?有什么建议吗?

You executed inner_run = false;你执行inner_run = false; when q is entered and after that inner_run is not set to true at anywhere.当输入q之后, inner_run在任何地方都没有设置为true This will prevent it from entering choice for the inner menu.这将阻止它进入内部菜单的选择。

To fix, you should set inner_run to true before the loop like:要修复,您应该在循环之前将inner_run设置为true ,例如:

                    inner_run = true; // add this
                    while(inner_run != false)

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