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子进程调用 find -exec 不执行

[英]Subprocess call find -exec doesn't execute

I try to delete all folders including contents through a Python subprocess call using find and rm.我尝试使用 find 和 rm 通过 Python 子进程调用删除所有文件夹,包括内容。

The folder to be deleted is /root/subfolder/folder20200802 .要删除的文件夹是/root/subfolder/folder20200802

In shell terminal, root dir, the command works:在 shell 终端,根目录中,命令有效:

find . -name 'folder2*' -type d -exec rm -rf {} \;

My script, saved in root dir, gives no error but it didn't delete the folder either:我的脚本保存在根目录中,没有出错,但也没有删除文件夹:

from subprocess import call
import os

call(['find', '.', '-name', '\'folder2*\'', '-type', 'd', '-exec', 'rm', '-rf', '{}', ';']) 

By writing the output to a file, I was able to debug:通过将 output 写入文件,我能够调试:

from subprocess import call
import os
call(['find', '.', '-name', 'folder2*', '-type', 'd', '-exec', 'rm', '-rf', '{}', ' ', ';'])

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