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返回 Grpc 验证错误的更好方法是什么

[英]What is a better way to return a Grpc validation error

I would like to know if there is a pattern for field validation in grpc services.我想知道 grpc 服务中是否有字段验证的模式。

I know that RpcException has metadata trailers property and that I can add additional information about my errors.我知道 RpcException 有 metadata trailers 属性,我可以添加关于我的错误的额外信息。

My question is: There is a pattern to be followed?我的问题是:有规律可循吗? If not, Which of the examples below would be more in line with the expected.如果不是,下面哪个例子更符合预期。

Example 1:示例 1:

Metadata trailers = new Metadata();
trailers.Add("Name", "is required");
trailers.Add("Age", "is required");
trailers.Add("Age", "must be over 21");
throw new RpcException(new Status(StatusCode.InvalidArgument, "Invalid Argument"), trailers, "One or more errors");

Example 2:示例 2:

Metadata trailers = new Metadata();
trailers.Add("errors", @"{""Name"":[""Is required""],""Age"":[""Is required"",""must be over 21""]}");
throw new RpcException(new Status(StatusCode.InvalidArgument, "Invalid Argument"), trailers, "One or more errors");

I would like to take this response and convert it to a json using the RFC 7807 specification when needed我想接受此响应并在需要时使用 RFC 7807 规范将其转换为 json

I am not familiar with the C# API but I can speak a bit about the gRPC API and maybe it can help you with your C# implementation.我不熟悉 C# API,但我可以谈谈 gRPC API,也许它可以帮助您实现 C#。

gRPC error model The error model is logically defined by google.rpc.Status , an instance of which is returned to the client when an API error occurs. gRPC 错误 model错误 model 在逻辑上是由google.rpc.Status定义的,它的一个实例在 API 错误发生时返回给客户端。 The following code snippet shows the overall design of the error model, which is returned when something goes wrong:下面的代码片段展示了错误model的总体设计,出错时返回:

package google.rpc;

message Status {

  // A simple error code that can be easily handled by the client. The
  // actual error code is defined by `google.rpc.Code`.
  int32 code = 1;

  // A developer-facing human-readable error message in English. It should
  // both explain the error and offer an actionable resolution to it.
  string message = 2;

  // Additional error information that the client code can use to handle
  // the error, such as retry delay or any business possible errors
  repeated google.protobuf.Any details = 3;


You should use the details field to pass extra information to the error.您应该使用详细信息字段将额外信息传递给错误。 For example for the InvalidArgument you should pass the BadRequest object with Field violations例如,对于InvalidArgument ,您应该传递带有字段违规的BadRequest object

Something like (Golang code, hope it makes some sense for you)像(Golang 代码,希望它对你有意义)

st := status.New(codes.InvalidArgument, "invalid username")
v := &BadRequest_FieldViolation{
    Field: "username",
    Description: "The username must only contain alphanumeric characters",
br := &BadRequest{}
br.FieldViolations = append(br.FieldViolations, v)
st, _ := st.WithDetails(br)

Here is the list of object that is provided by gRPC which you can use as the error details if any of those fits your scenario you can always create your own. 是 gRPC 提供的 object 的列表,如果其中任何一个适合您的场景,您可以将其用作错误详细信息,您可以随时创建自己的场景。

It is a good practice to return in the details field something related to the business.在详细信息字段中返回与业务相关的内容是一种很好的做法。 Like a known error code.就像一个已知的错误代码。 This way your client would be able to respond to the issue.这样您的客户就可以对问题做出回应。

errorDetail := &BusinessError{
  ErrorCode: CODE,
  ErrorMessage: "Failed to filter hotel rooms",
st := status.New(codes.Internal, "Something went wrong :( ")
st, _ = st.WithDetails(errorDetail)

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