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需要使用 kube.netes pod 在 EFS 上创建目录

[英]Need to create the directory on EFS with kubernetes pod

what will be the definition file, if I need to mount my efs with pod and then create a directory with the correct permission?如果我需要用 pod 挂载我的 efs 然后创建一个具有正确权限的目录,那么定义文件是什么?

efs id lets say:- fs-c98c345 efs id 可以说:- fs-c98c345

Need to run the below command after efs mount on pod.需要在 efs 挂载到 pod 后运行以下命令。

mkdir <efs mount path>/prometheus
chown -R 1000:2000 <efs mount path>/prometheus

To manage and use efs from kube.netes(on AWS) you should use efs-provisioner.要从 kube.netes(在 AWS 上)管理和使用 efs,您应该使用 efs-provisioner。 You can install and configure efs-provisioner through helm chart available here https://github.com/helm/charts/tree/master/stable/efs-provisioner .您可以通过此处提供的 helm chart 安装和配置 efs-provisioner https://github.com/helm/charts/tree/master/stable/efs-provisioner

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