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AWS ELB - 目标群体健康但不可访问

[英]AWS ELB - Target group Healthy but not accessible

I have two different accounts:我有两个不同的帐户:

One in Europe eu-central-1: Have the Route53 DNS entries from domain一个在欧洲 eu-central-1:具有来自域的 Route53 DNS 条目

Another in China cn-north-1: Have the ALB resource and the EC2 resource.另一个在中国的cn-north-1:有ALB资源和EC2资源。

In China, my service is a concourse pipeline.在中国,我的服务是一个大厅管道。 The service is up and running on the instance, and on the target groups I can see the healthy flag.该服务已在实例上启动并运行,在目标组上我可以看到健康标志。 At the instance as well I can access the web page by curl localhost:8080.在实例中,我也可以通过 curl localhost:8080 访问 web 页面。

I have the entry: concourse.domain.name CNAME web.account.info.eu-central-1.elb.amazonaws.com我有条目: concourse.domain.name CNAME web.account.info.eu-central-1.elb.amazonaws.com

I Can resolve the entry and it's point to the right alb.我可以解析条目,它指向正确的白蛋白。 But still, no answer.但是,仍然没有回答。

Does anyone have any ideas?有人有什么想法吗?


There would be 2 steps to follow to find the route case.要找到路线案例,需要遵循 2 个步骤。

If your ALB public DNS name is working and routing traffic to your instance then please check the value of the "Hosted zone" in the property of ALB and Route 53 match.如果您的 ALB 公共 DNS 名称正在工作并将流量路由到您的实例,那么请检查 ALB 属性中“托管区域”的值是否与 Route 53 匹配。

If your ALB does not routing traffic make sure your have set up Listener for each traffic type (http,https...ect) which your application is about to listen to and also have target group for perspective port(80,8080...)for each listener traffic type.如果您的 ALB 没有路由流量,请确保您已经为您的应用程序将要监听的每种流量类型(http,https ...等)设置了监听器,并且还为透视端口(80,8080 ... ) 对于每个侦听器流量类型。 Make sure each target group has at least one instance to handle each type of traffic on each port.确保每个目标组至少有一个实例来处理每个端口上的每种类型的流量。

Hope this was helpful希望这对您有所帮助

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