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使用 Modelica CombiTable1Ds 时的编译器问题

[英]Compiler problem when using Modelica CombiTable1Ds

I'm working on the Dymola environment (2019 FD01) and I'm trying to create a model that can read values from a.mat file, more specifically, a weather data matrix of [8761,14].我在 Dymola 环境 (2019 FD01) 上工作,我正在尝试创建一个 model,它可以从 a.mat 文件中读取值,更具体地说,是 [8761,14] 的天气数据矩阵。 To do so I'm using CombiTable1Ds with the following configuration为此,我使用具有以下配置的 CombiTable1Ds

Modelica.Blocks.Tables.CombiTable1Ds combiTable1Ds(
    annotation (Placement(transformation(extent={{-34,-10},{-14,10}})))

When I try to run the simulation, I receive the following error当我尝试运行模拟时,收到以下错误

Compilation of Unnamed failed.

Compiler message:

Compiling and linking the model (Visual C++). 

LINK : fatal error LNK1181: unable to open input file 'ModelicaIO.lib'

Error generating Dymosim.

I'm kind of new in this and I don't completely understand this type of error.我在这方面有点陌生,我不完全理解这种类型的错误。 I've check the.mat file and seems fine (not corrupted, compatible version);我已经检查了 .mat 文件并且看起来很好(未损坏,兼容版本); I read the documentation of the model and seems well implemented;我阅读了 model 的文档,似乎实现得很好; I've also tried using a.txt file with the format described on the documentation (#1\float Beijing(8761,14)\ and so), but I get the same error.我也尝试过使用文档中描述的格式的 a.txt 文件 (#1\float Beijing(8761,14)\ 等等),但我得到了同样的错误。

Anyone has a clue of what may be the problem and how to solve it?任何人都知道可能是什么问题以及如何解决它? I'll really appreciate it Thanks,我真的很感激谢谢,

That model is supposed to work, and I tested in Dymola 2019 FD01 with DLL-mode activated. model 应该可以工作,我在激活 DLL 模式的 Dymola 2019 FD01 中进行了测试。 The tableName and fileName don't matter for this type of problem. tableName 和 fileName 对于此类问题无关紧要。

Things to consider:需要考虑的事项:

  • You are using Modelica Standard Library from the Dymola-distribution, right?您正在使用 Dymola 发行版中的 Modelica 标准库,对吗? If you downloading a different version that can cause problem.如果您下载不同的版本可能会导致问题。
  • Just to be sure try changing to a new empty folder, to ensure that there are no strange files causing problems.只是为了确保尝试更改为一个新的空文件夹,以确保没有导致问题的奇怪文件。
  • Normally this is a problem you should contact your support channel for.通常这是您应该联系您的支持渠道的问题。

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