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[英]How can I get fn({param}) of the param type in TypeScript?

I'm using raw emotion package npm i emotion and bumped to this question.我正在使用原始情感package npm i emotion并遇到了这个问题。

If I do this如果我这样做

import { css } from 'emotion';

const test = css({
  boxSizing: 'border-box'

If I hover the boxSizing , VSCode tells me that boxSizing type is如果我 hover boxSizing ,VSCode 告诉我boxSizing类型是

"border-box" | "-moz-initial" | "inherit" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | "content-box" | BoxSizingProperty[] | undefined

Now, I want to retrieve those type, resulting in this现在,我想检索那些类型,结果是

type result = "border-box" | "-moz-initial" | "inherit" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | "content-box" | BoxSizingProperty[] | undefined

Is there any utility method I can use to retrieve those types?有什么实用方法可以用来检索这些类型吗?

If I can just do如果我能做到

import { css } from 'emotion';

type result = someUtility<typeof css, 'boxSizing'>

Is it possible to do this without installing any new npm package?是否可以在不安装任何新的 npm package 的情况下执行此操作? I know emotion use csstype package for typings under the hood.我知道 emotion 在后台使用csstype package 进行打字。

Since you don't want to install another package, here's what you can do:由于您不想安装另一个 package,因此您可以执行以下操作:

import { ObjectInterpolation } from 'emotion'

type BoxSizing = ObjectInterpolation<undefined>['boxSizing'] // type BoxSizing = "-moz-initial" | "inherit" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | "border-box" | "content-box" | BoxSizingProperty[] | undefined

You may also find the Parameters generic type useful, although I don't believe it quite works here since Interpolation<T> is a union type of several items.您可能还会发现Parameters泛型类型很有用,尽管我认为它在这里不太适用,因为Interpolation<T>是多个项目的联合类型。 Here's an example of how this can be used in another function:这是如何在另一个 function 中使用它的示例:

const example = (params: { boxSizing: 'border-box' }) => undefined

type BoxSizing = Parameters<typeof example>[0]['boxSizing']

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