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[英]Injection of a provider from the same module: can't resolve dependencies

Bug Report错误报告

Current behavior当前行为

Getting error while instantiating the PaymentProcessorModule:实例化 PaymentProcessorModule 时出错:

Error: Nest can't resolve dependencies of the PaymentProcessor (?, PaymentsService, ProcessingService). Please make sure that the argument TransactionsService at index [0] is available in the PaymentProcessor context.

Potential solutions:
- If TransactionsService is a provider, is it part of the current PaymentProcessor?
- If TransactionsService is exported from a separate @Module, is that module imported within PaymentProcessor?
    imports: [ /* the Module containing TransactionsService */ ]

However, both services come from the same module.但是,这两种服务都来自同一个模块。

Input Code输入代码

Here's my module:这是我的模块:

  imports: [
    TypeOrmModule.forFeature([ Transaction ]),
  providers: [

  exports: [PaymentProcessor],
export class PaymentProcessorModule {}


export class TransactionsService {
    @InjectRepository(Transaction) private transRepo: Repository<Transaction>,
  ) {}


And finally, PaymentProcessor:最后,支付处理器:

export class PaymentProcessor {
    private transactions: TransactionsService,
    private payments: PaymentsService,
    private processor: ProcessingService,
  ) {}


Expected behavior预期行为

Expected to inject the TransactionsService.预计会注入 TransactionsService。 I could not seem to reproduce it in a sample repo, unfortunately.不幸的是,我似乎无法在示例回购中重现它。


Nest version: 7.4.1

The official support of NestJS told me that the PaymentProcessor must be mentioned in the imports array somewhere. NestJS 的官方支持告诉我PaymentProcessor必须在imports数组中的某个地方提到。 I checked for usages of the class and it's true, I accidentally imported the provider instead of the module in another context.我检查了 class 的用法,这是真的,我不小心在另一个上下文中导入了提供程序而不是模块。

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