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Javascript 可选链接不适用于模板文字

[英]Javascript Optional chaining doesnt work with template literals

I am trying to apply template literal with optional chaining.我正在尝试将模板文字与可选链接一起应用。

type Item = {
price: number};

type ItemType = {

const data : ItemType = {
  A:{itemId:1, price:2},
  B:{itemId:2, price:3}

let Itemid = `data?.${variable}?.itemId`

where variable is a string with A or B as value.其中 variable 是以 A 或 B 作为值的字符串。 I am not sure if optional chaining and template literals are supported together.我不确定是否同时支持可选链接和模板文字。 Any Leads is appreciated.任何线索表示赞赏。

Edited: I am receiving "string cant be used to index type Item' when tried with data?.[variable]?.itemId . I have updated with type now.编辑:我收到“字符串不能用于索引类型项目时尝试使用data?.[variable]?.itemId 。我现在已经更新了类型。

Edited: Removing type of variable helped in solving above error message.已编辑:删除变量类型有助于解决上述错误消息。

Just wrap the variable inside [ and ] like: data?.[variable]?.itemId (it's called Computed Property Names and it's an es6 feature.)只需将变量包装在[]中,例如: data?.[variable]?.itemId (它称为Computed Property Names ,它是es6功能。)

Full code:完整代码:

let data = {
  A:{itemId:1, price:2},
  B:{itemId:2, price:3}

let variable = 'A'
let Itemid = data?.[variable]?.itemId

More: Output of string literal is an string, so you can use eval(`data?.${variable}?.itemId`) to evaluate the value of it.更多: Output 的字符串字面量是一个字符串,所以你可以使用eval(`data?.${variable}?.itemId`)来评估它的值。 (Note that using eval is a bad practice.) (请注意,使用eval是一种不好的做法。)

However In your case, There is no need to use template literals.但是,在您的情况下,无需使用模板文字。 Just use [] as described above.只需使用[]如上所述。

In a template the only stuff that is treated as an expression is stuff within ${} , so in your case your optional chain indicators are part of the string , not part of the expression that will be interpolated into the string.在模板中,唯一被视为表达式的东西是${}中的东西,因此在您的情况下,您的可选链指示符是string的一部分,而不是将插入到字符串中的表达式的一部分。

The syntax for optional chaining using objects keys is data?.['string']?.itemId , or if the key is stored inside a variable data?.[variable]?.itemId .使用对象键的可选链接的语法是data?.['string']?.itemId ,或者如果键存储在变量data?.[variable]?.itemId中。

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