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Visual Studio Code launch.json 设置用于调试 Python 模块

[英]Visual Studio Code launch.json settings for debugging Python modules

Currently I have my file structure like this:目前我的文件结构是这样的:

├── Utilities
|   ├── __init__.py
│   ├── module1.py
├── main.py
├── global_var.py

In main.py and module1.py I have already written import global_var , and everything goes well when I run main.py .main.pymodule1.py我已经写了import global_var ,当我运行main.py时一切顺利。

However, when I tried to debug or run module1.py itself, it always shows但是,当我尝试调试或运行module1.py本身时,它总是显示

Exception has occurred: ModuleNotFoundError发生异常:ModuleNotFoundError
No module named 'global_var'没有名为“global_var”的模块

And I have to manually move module1.py to the same folder with global_var.py so that it can run successfully.而且我必须手动将module1.py移动到与global_var.py相同的文件夹中,以便它可以成功运行。

I would like to know how to set the launch.json to stop moving the files.我想知道如何设置launch.json以停止移动文件。 Here's my launch.json right now:这是我现在的launch.json

    "name": "Python: Modules",
    "type": "python",
    "request": "launch",
    "program": "${file}",
    "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
    "console": "integratedTerminal"

I don't know what the name of the parent folder of file ' global_var.py ' is, so I temporarily named it folder_aa .我不知道文件“ global_var.py ”的父文件夹的名称是什么,所以我暂时将其命名为folder_aa

Since they are not in the same folder, Visual Studio Code cannot find the path, so you could tell it the path of the file you want to import:由于它们不在同一个文件夹中,Visual Studio Code 找不到路径,因此您可以告诉它您要导入的文件的路径:

  1. Add the line of settings to the launch.json file of .vscode file:将设置行添加到launch.json文件的.vscode文件中:

    "env": {"PYTHONPATH": "${workspaceRoot}"},

    Visual Studio Code will find the root directory (the project folder name) of the current project according to "${workspaceRoot}" . Visual Studio Code 会根据"${workspaceRoot}"找到当前项目的根目录(项目文件夹名称)。

  2. Use ' from folder_aa import global_var ' instead of ' import global_var '.使用 ' from folder_aa import global_var ' 而不是 ' import global_var '。

    Visual Studio Code will find file 'global_var.py' from folder 'folder_aa'. Visual Studio Code 将从文件夹“folder_aa”中找到文件“global_var.py”。

I created a project similar to the directory structure you provided, and through the above operations, it can be successfully imported.我创建了一个类似你提供的目录结构的项目,通过以上操作,可以成功导入。

My environment: Python 3.8.3;我的环境:Python 3.8.3; Visual Studio Code 1.47.3;视觉工作室代码 1.47.3; OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.18362操作系统:Windows_NT x64 10.0.18362

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