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圆角 window Tkinter

[英]Round corner window Tkinter

Is there any way to create a tkinter window with round corner similar to the window in the below image.有什么方法可以创建一个类似于下图中的 window 的圆角的 tkinter window。 Any suggestions will be really helpful.任何建议都会非常有帮助。


The window is controlled by your OS, not tkinter, so you can't do anything in python as far as I know. window 由您的操作系统控制,而不是 tkinter,因此据我所知,您在 python 中无能为力。 That's not to say you can't just make your OS have rounded corners, which assuming you have Windows and are on update 1903 , shouldn't be too hard to do.这并不是说你不能只让你的操作系统有圆角,假设你有Windows 并且正在更新 1903 ,应该不难做到。

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